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  1. Idaho

    .224 bullet length

    Hmmmmm, I don't really need any encouragement. Still............
  2. Idaho

    .224 bullet length

    This is the three shot group after seating my 75gr A-Max bullets further from the lands. I started at .006 off and went to .021 off the lands to get this 'node'
  3. Idaho

    .224 bullet length

    It's winter, I'm bored, and reading a LOT. I noticed that sometimes you can find a sweet spot away from the lands if you will seat the bullets deeper into the case. My normal handloads are seated .006 off the lands so I set aside 6 groups of three each and seated each group .003 deeper that...
  4. Idaho

    .224 bullet length

    Well, I think I've found the bullet to experiment with. A friend who has won a few national matches gave me a couple of the new Nosler 70gr RDF bullets. They easily reach into the lands on my barrel and the cartridge OAL is .11 inches SHORTER than the 75gr Amax bullets. I'm going to buy a box...
  5. Idaho

    .224 bullet length

    I don't want to 'jam' the bullet into the lands. I just want to touch them. As I said, the numbers from my chrono were almost identical for a 10 shot spread and the accuracy was great. But, they are too long for the magazine so they must be loaded one at a time. I put 2 thousands of neck...
  6. Idaho

    .224 bullet length

    I have a Savage Model 10 .223 with an 8 twist McGowan barrel that shoots 75 gr A-Max pretty well. Due to magazine length I can't load into the lands. When I do the mv and extreme spreads on my chrono fall within unbelievable limits. I would like to find a heavy bullet with an ogive that...
  7. Idaho

    Old newbie

    A few years ago I bought a Savage Model 10 in .223 and expected it to be a tack driver. It wasn't. Over the next year and a half I started reloading to unlock the secret of accuracy in that rifle. Tried everything imaginable to make it shoot to no avail. Finally replaced the barrel with a...