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    M40 New Manufacture Stock

    Nice rifle!! My rifle is a basic Remington 700 Varmint in .308. I had it in a synthetic stock with an aluminum bedding block that I bedded. The gun would shoot, but it was so heavy it wasn't any fun other than shooting prone. Changing to the wood stock, BDL floor plate instead of the DBM...
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    M40 New Manufacture Stock
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    What's your favorite caliber for hunting?

    30-06 .308 .270 I like practical things. But, when my Uncles and Dad passed, and their guns came to me. I made it a point to shoot at least 1 white tail with each gun. So, .300 Savage, .32 Win Special, .303 Savage and 30-30. With a nice soft point bullet that opens up, they all work...
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    Dropped my gun

    If the crown is damaged it easy to have a smith recrown. If the stock damage really bothers you refinish it in the winter. I had a Ruger #1 with XXX wood slung over my shoulder when dragging a deer out. The side of the but stock rubbed against a zipper on my pack. A little steel wool and oil...
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    40x question

    I wouldn't take less than $800 for mine. Std weigh barrel, parkerized finish, after market adjustable butt plate added, non matching bolt. When I first got it from the CMP I was going to send it back because it looked so bad. Cleaned the bore well and shot some groups, accurate, so I kept it and...
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    Is it okay to use the same bolt carrier group on a new barrel?

    I change barrels about every 3000 rounds, and use the same bolt several times. Yes, I could be more concerned over the head space. But the fired cases always seem to be the same.
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    High power service rifle

    Buy a White Oak Armory upper set up with a flat top upper, with float tube, set up for service rifle.Put some lead in it. Geissele two stage trigger, must lift 4.5 pounds. 1:7 twist barrel, when burnt, replace with Shilen or Kreiger. Sierra 77 gr for 200 and 300. 80 Sierra or 80.5 Berger for...