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  1. Namekagon


    I had a weld failure and launched my entire bafflestack 120 yards downrange in a mowed field at a match. Worst part is I had to wait 3 hours to go look for my can innards because the match was on-going. Lucky I found it, and SilencerCo had it repaired and back to me in under 2 weeks.
  2. Namekagon


    This diagram that you lead with likely contributed to the faithful members of this forum not immediately recognizing you were looking for the mathematical derivation of modulus of elasticity :ROFLMAO:
  3. Namekagon


    Just a Bubba here, but remember this. In reality, you aren't just trying to push the bloated brass back 0.010". Its more than that, because the die is likely squeezing the body down by the base also, which lengthens the case. You're asking the die to do too much in one step. All that brass...
  4. Namekagon

    The Optic That Saved Trump's Life

    Pretty safe to say that rifle, even broken down, did not fit in that backpack with the zipper completely closed. I've also heard that was the case from Dan Bongino's podcast. So part of the rifle had to be hanging out when we was backpacking it around. How the hell did no one see this?
  5. Namekagon


    You really can't expect to use the same die setting for multiple rifles. That setting is chamber specific, as the size of the brass being ejected is dependent on the headspace of that specific rifle. If you fire the range brass in your bolt gun once, and then resize with the die setup for the...
  6. Namekagon

    RFK Looking To Drop Out & Endorse Trump

    Listening to RFK talk must be like looking through a time-warp at the democratic party of 60 years ago. The changes are stunning. He is living breathing proof of how far left the Democrats, and their voters, have moved. I can't identify any issues in my mind that would suggest any such...
  7. Namekagon

    DNC Chicago This is hilarious. People actually vote for this?? I have an idea for the Dems.....if you actually have all the virtue's you like to signal so prominently........tell all the pro-hamas supporters...
  8. Namekagon

    A Moral Case For Capitalism

    The problem is not capitalism, its the lack of free market capitalism. Through regulation, government puts its finger on the scales of winners and losers. As soon as government regulates an industry, the small business is immediately disadvantaged to the larger one that have the resources to...
  9. Namekagon

    Cracked Sphur Mount

    hahahahahahahahahahahqahahahahhahahahahahahahaha THAT........was hilarious. Hitting the like emogee was just not enough!
  10. Namekagon

    Use of Safeties on bolt guns

    I’ll add, the only thing a safety is relied on for is discouraging a loud boom from happening while you’re walking that would scare all the deer, but we were still trained to double-check safe position regularly. But muzzle direction is THE most important safety.
  11. Namekagon

    Use of Safeties on bolt guns

    If I’m in the woods, the rifle has a round in the chamber and safety on. It gets unloaded for doing things like climbing into a deer stand, etc, when muzzle discipline is more difficult. Honestly as I think about it, I feel it’s actually safer to hunt that way than with an empty chamber. When...
  12. Namekagon

    What brand BCG is this? Pic of logo attached

    I don't recognize the logo, but odds are its a Toolcraft that they branded for another company. A large portion of AR BCG, especially the ones sold by smaller companies, I've heard are made by Toolcraft.
  13. Namekagon

    Venezuelas Communist Dictator Maduro steals election and protesters take to the streets

    Well, in the media's defense, it might actually feel that way for them coming from Biden :ROFLMAO:
  14. Namekagon

    Venezuelas Communist Dictator Maduro steals election and protesters take to the streets

    @NoDopes You can’t prove that though. That’s the issue. I think it’s more likely 20,000 here to take WI, 30,000 there to take Arizona, etc ( not real numbers, examples). They didn’t need millions to steal it, why would they?
  15. Namekagon

    Where's the node ?

    Yeah but they shoot in the 1s. So their process does work. Hard to ignore that. The facts are: -2 different load recipes can have dramatically different POI, like 3+MOA different. -2 different load recipes can have dramatically different grouping precision -yet we’re now told that varying...
  16. Namekagon

    Venezuelas Communist Dictator Maduro steals election and protesters take to the streets

    I think the primary difference is that here they stole it with 200,000 votes out of 160 million. There they stole it with like 4 million votes out of 9 million. Easier for everyone to look at each other and say WTF? Here , a lot of good people still don’t know what to believe on 2020.
  17. Namekagon

    Where's the node ?

    But how much of that is the “truth” of the matter exposing itself vs being the end result of all the other variables like shooter hold, wind, barrel fouling, recoil management, etc etc adding up to bury real trends with noise? You’d have to be shooting in the Houston Warehouse with a bench...
  18. Namekagon

    Where's the node ?

    Im an idiot who wants to learn. Why did you choose 40.9? Is that based on the location of the center of groups not moving between the charges higher and lower than it? In other words, with OCW tests you look for consistent POI across a range of loads and settle near the middle of the range...
  19. Namekagon

    Where's the node ?

    except no one has won yet. Watching intently lol.
  20. Namekagon

    Realistically Best Option for a 7.62 Gas Gun

    I have an Armalight SuperSASS that uses the M14 style magazines. It reliably shoots around 3/4 moa with 168FGGM and around 1 moa with 175 FGGM. I've been very happy with it for what I paid for it. Trigger is great, and the suppressed-vs-unsuppresed switchable gasblock has worked really well...