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  1. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes New Schmidt & Bender PM2 6-36x56

    Yes ..correct 6-36 has same ocular size as 3-27 and 5-45.
  2. wooferocau

    Nightforce ATACR 7-35x56 vs SB 6-36x56 PMii

    I will say though......if i had to 100% depend on and optic not to would be the ATACR !! (y)
  3. wooferocau

    Nightforce ATACR 7-35x56 vs SB 6-36x56 PMii

    The ATACR while being a superbly dependable scope is not in the same league a the S&B 6-36 Glass/Optical wise !! The S&B 6-36 has far better resolution, greater edge to edge clarity and superior image Depth/Contrast... S&B,s latest series 6-36 and the 10-60 have superb glass...
  4. wooferocau

    L42A1 & Enforcer reloading

    My L42A1 Win 748 and Sierra 155gr Palma...
  5. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes Alpha Class High Magnification 6-36/7-35 FFP Scope Review

    On the other hand the S&B 3-27 High Powers I have are the worst optically!!....hazy and very very soft!!
  6. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes Alpha Class High Magnification 6-36/7-35 FFP Scope Review

    Well the 2 5-45,s I currently have are stunning!!
  7. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes Alpha Class High Magnification 6-36/7-35 FFP Scope Review

    What surprised me and others when we compared the S&B 5-45 to the other optics .. ZCO ,TT and S&B,s own 6-36...... is at 30x and above the S&B 5-45 comes into its own !! It resolves fine detail and clarity better than the rest. This was/is a huge surprise!!
  8. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes Alpha Class High Magnification 6-36/7-35 FFP Scope Review

    The other higher mag scope that has surprised the crap out of me is the S&B 5-45 High Power.....I have 2 now and am extremely impressed with the sheer clarity and resolution.......especially at the top end of the power range!!! Both the 5-45 are NEW production....and it appears S&B may have...
  9. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes Alpha Class High Magnification 6-36/7-35 FFP Scope Review

    When I had the earlier samples of the ZCO 8-40...ZCO,s own 5-27 was much much better optically.....sharpness,contrast. The newer build 8-40 reverses that scenario!!
  10. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes Alpha Class High Magnification 6-36/7-35 FFP Scope Review

    It's Nov/Dec build.. It's good.....much much better than the first samples I had from some time ago. I would gladly use's just the TT is that bit better.
  11. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes Alpha Class High Magnification 6-36/7-35 FFP Scope Review

    In viewing we did the ZCO 8-40 is very good ,,, BUT the TT 7-35 is noticeably superior in every way!
  12. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes DNT 7-35x56 FFP Riflescopes

    Preliminary check for a 1 mile shoot tomorrow.... Group of people comming out for a session with various Desert Techs.. This HTI (50bmg) is always popular..DNT still fitted and performing flawlessly.. Will be in the vicinity of 100 rounds put through this combo again..
  13. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes DNT 7-35x56 FFP Riflescopes

    For me the most impressive attribute of the DNT is the fact that the one on my 50bmg is still without any issue what so even after a LOT of rounds..!! I have seen many scopes fail on my 50...some with extremely high price tags !!
  14. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes DNT 7-35x56 FFP Riflescopes

    Now maybe you may understand as to why I was so enthusiastic and impressed with the "Aussie " Arken 7-35,s ( Which were in fact the DNT prototype we have now)..
  15. wooferocau

    Official (DTA) SRS, HTI, Covert, Hunter Thread

    Yeah the A1 and HTI have far far better triggers than the A2.........IMO it was one change DT made that wasnt an improvment at all!
  16. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes New Schmidt & Bender PM2 6-36x56

    Yeah ... 5-45 has been a BIG pleasant surprise for me ..... Optical quality exceeds the 6-36 ( which is fantastic ) .. I have heard "Rumours" the glass on the NEW series 5-45,s is updated over the previous Gen 5-45,s ... I have "2" of the new 5-45,s and they are superb !!
  17. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes New Schmidt & Bender PM2 6-36x56

    That was about the response my dealer had when he opened the box !!!!! :ROFLMAO:
  18. wooferocau

    Rifle Scopes New Schmidt & Bender PM2 6-36x56

    At least you didn't get this!!!