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  1. J

    IMR 4895 Accuracy Loads with 147 gr bullets in .308 and .30-06?

    Clark, I'm very interested in this concept. Do you have any pet loads like this for the .30-06?
  2. J

    IMR 4895 Accuracy Loads with 147 gr bullets in .308 and .30-06?

    Interesting, Southwind. From what I've read, folks using 42 gr are typically using LC brass, which ties in exactly with your 43 gr using Winchester and Remington brass.
  3. J

    IMR 4895 Accuracy Loads with 147 gr bullets in .308 and .30-06?

    Thank you, gentlemen. I'll try those. Clark, I appreciated your comment on another thread that is you had to choose one load to make a .308 shoot, it would be a 110 Hornady V-max over 45 grains of 4895 at 2.815 inches OAL. Which flavor of 4895 are you using? I want to try this load. Do you...
  4. J

    IMR 4895 Accuracy Loads with 147 gr bullets in .308 and .30-06?

    Cruising the forum, I see many threads about accuracy loads with IMR 4895 and various SMK bullets (168, 175, etc). I'm looking for accuracy loads with IMR 4895 and 147 gr M80 ball pulled bullets in once-fired LC brass. I know this is an oxymoron, but the longest range in my county is 100...
  5. J

    Going Price for M118?

    Thanks, fellas, for the info. Based on what wxl mentioned, and other stuff I've read, this stuff is really like M80 ball, upgraded. Regular LC brass, WC846 powder, and staked primers. The deal is still probably worth it, but based on dmike's tip, I'll probably try 168 gr OTM instead. The...
  6. J

    Going Price for M118?

    Thanks for the heads-up on that 168 OTM. It appears to be a similar round. This M118 SB (Special Ball) 173 grain is the older match round, apparently not as accurate as the newer M118 LR (Long Range) with the Sierra 175 gr MK. That's why it's a bit hard to price. It appears to have been...
  7. J

    Going Price for M118?

    A local former high power shooter is selling a can (460 rounds) of M118 with the 173 gr bullet. I'm wondering what the going rate is? My understanding is that this is the less desirable SB round, rather than the excellent 175 gr bullet. The seller is asking $400 for it. Is that a good price?