Search results

  1. J

    .17 HMR - fps all over the place

    There are only 2 manufacturers of 17hmr cartridges, CCI and Winchester. Winchester gets relabeled as Browning, every other brand is relabeled CCI. Neither CCI or Winchester have the desire to decrease their profits by increasing quality control. Loose bullets, split necks, angled bullet seating...
  2. J

    barrel twist/long range

    Shooting log. I record scope settings for conditions, cartridge and distance. At 100 yards plus, you can track projectile spiral by watching the compression wave lens and see the flight path, as the bullet approaches the target/backer. A visual distortion is created by the bullet interaction...
  3. J

    Is there a # of rounds needed for a new 22 to possibily tighten up?

    Barrel wear is my current topic of interest. I've read all the articles and discussions I can find on line, and am documenting wear patterns occurring in a purchased new factory CZ 455 heavy barrel. Both Calfee and Litz observed that it can take over 4000 shots through the barrel before all the...
  4. J

    SK S+ deviation / Rimfire

    Compare price per cartridge to rank SK cartridge quality. The lower the cost the less quality control is used. Esterline's comment is slightly out of sequence. I haven't been able to find SK Biathlon or Pistol Special for a while. That's why I didn't include them. :cautious:
  5. J

    SK S+ deviation / Rimfire

    SK S+ is in the middle of the SK spectrum for quality. SK Magazine being the bottom, SK Semiauto next, with SK S + being 3rd from the bottom. Pistol Match, Rifle Match and Long Range being the top 3. Some boxes will produce better results than others. Welcome to the assembly line lottery. ;)
  6. J

    22lr barrel

    According to emails from Eley, RWS and Lapua regarding factory batch grading test barrels, accuracy drops off at anywhere from 55,000 to 180,000 shots fired. The factories order replacement barrels regularly. The difference is related to the steel used in making the barrel. Softer stainless...
  7. J

    22 LR weight feedback, does it helps or is a myth?

    The most effective method of sorting I've tried is a visual inspection for cartridge issues. When the cartridge shows asymmetry, dents, dings, chips, uneven crimp lines, sloppy seating and poor assembly, it's unlikely to produce consistent trajectories or be capable of punching center...
  8. J

    22 LR weight feedback, does it helps or is a myth?

    CCI SV Tenex There are the numbers. Weights in grains. Weights obtained with US Solids Analytical 0.1 milligram digital balance Check the charge percentage variations and spreads
  9. J

    22 LR weight feedback, does it helps or is a myth?

    All right, what exactly am I going to sort by? :unsure: Total cartridge weight? Overall cartridge length? Ogive length? From base or from breech contact? Rim thickness? Where on rim? It varies. Rim diameter? Widest or narrowest? Cartridge diameter above rim? At crimp? At bullet drive band...
  10. J

    22 LR weight feedback, does it helps or is a myth?

    Sorting is not a reliable method of improving cartridge quality. Why? A rimfire cartridge is a multivariable equation. Individual component weights vary. Bullets do not weigh 40.000 grains Powder and primer amounts vary not only by volume, weight but also chemistry. Assembly tolerances vary over...
  11. J

    The whole box at 100 yards

    Looking good jbell. Folks don't realize just how many things change during the 25 to 50 minutes it takes to fire 50 shots when attempting to put them all in one hole. Not just wind, but mental focus and muscle fatigue. Add in minor/major differences in cartridge components and assembly, 2 moa...
  12. J

    Are precision .22 rimfires ammo picky or

    I stopped agreeing with the idea of rifle preference by brand, years ago. I had purchased a case of SK made Wolf Match Extra. It produced results better than any supposed match ammunition purchased since. Sub inch clusters, on center of bullseye, at 100 yards. Consistent with multiple rifles off...
  13. J

    Are precision .22 rimfires ammo picky or

    Are precision rimfire rifles ammo picky? Yeah. They require the uniformly best made cartridges available. No rifle can fix problems caused by ammunition that has variations in assembly, components, primer/powder amounts, chemistry or has been subjected to rough handling, extreme temperatures...
  14. J

    Weirdness with Lot-Tested Center-X

    Factory batch testing from Lapua, RWS and Eley is based on statistical sampling by test firing from fixtured barrel/receivers. 4 to 5 test rigs are used in a tunnel, and cartridges selected from a batch are fired from the 4, or 5, barrels and the results documented. Sample amounts fired are...
  15. J

    Weirdness with Lot-Tested Center-X

    I hear ya' Saint. I picked up a few of bricks of the Official 300, 320 and biathlon. At 200 yards they produced 50 shot groups that equalled the best results from Eley, RWS and Lapua/SK. Also had boxes that doubled the spread. Some times I luck out with assembly line lottery. Sometimes I don't. :(
  16. J

    Weirdness with Lot-Tested Center-X

    I hear y'er complaint Downhill. It ain't news to me. :( I've had issues with supposedly match quality cartridges from RWS, Lapua, Eley and Fiocchi Italia. Chrony spread in excess of 40 fps for a box of 50. Odd strays that don't fit wind direction/speed. I was told my rifle didn't like the...
  17. J

    Norma XTREME LR-22 Ammo

    Results are dependent on y'er luck with the RWS assembly line. At 200 yards with a modified CZ 455 Lilja and Sinclair bipod I obtained similar spread as I did with RWS R100. ES ranged from 29 fps to 50 fps from each 50 shot session.
  18. J

    Lot Testing - What is statistically significant

    I still wonder what does the factory consider to be statistically significant ? :unsure: Supposedly every batch of match quality cartridges are rated according to results produced from the samples fired in the test tunnels at the factories. What number of cartridges are needed to test to...
  19. J

    When you're testing ammo/lots...

    Cartridge testing, everyone has a favored method. 2 shot groups, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50 even. I stopped using groups as a method of testing. I now shoot for score. Will the cartridges hit where I aim, or not? If not, how far from center did it impact? Number of cartridges to test? I like 100 shots...