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  1. 59..baba

    need help with 338

    It could be a problem of distance ... 100 yards (91.4m) is probably not enough to do load development in big calibers ( and big bullets) , even at 200 m ( 218 yards ) my groups are worse than at 300 m (328 yards ) in 338LM . Try to have the best velocity with the smallest group and test it at...
  2. 59..baba

    How to zero at long range ?

    Yes , of course , I've done my maths and zeroing at any distance dosen't change anything in terms of click ... :D
  3. 59..baba

    How to zero at long range ?

    Ok! Thank you so much!
  4. 59..baba

    How to zero at long range ?

    Hello everyone, how can you zero a scope at for example 600/800m ? Can you help me? :confused: I normally zero my scopes at 200/300 m but I want to prepare a specific gun for ELR with a very far zero... For information, the rail would be a 40MOA picatinny rail with Nightforce Beast on it...
  5. 59..baba

    375 or 408 cheytac

    thank you so much !
  6. 59..baba

    375 or 408 cheytac

    Hello everybody! I'm a French long distance shooter and I need your experience to choose the caliber of my new rifle( Thor M XXX )! Do you prefer 375 or 408 Cheytac? And why? thank you so much for your answers !