140 eldm's

  1. S

    Help: 6.5 Creedmoor - 140 Grain ELD-M & Vihtavuori N555 Load Data & Tips

    Hi All To preface - I'm fairly new to reloading, and have so far successfully reloaded for my .38 Lever Action only. I am looking to start reloading for my Tikka T3x Tac A1, 24 inch Barrel. The components I have so far are: - Powder: Vihtavuori N555 - Bullet Heads: Hornady 140gr ELD-M -...
  2. Mg427

    AXSA 6.5 Creedmoor with EC Brake Tuner range report

    AXSA 6.5 Creedmoor proof research barrel with EC Brake Tuner range report, used Hornady 140 ELDM load with H4350 41 gr Vel 2750, this load usually gives me .5-.7 moa depending on me. Tested today, started with a setting of zero and got about a .800 moa group. Started testing and ended at...
  3. T

    SOLD 140 grain ELDM’s 250 ct

    256 ct 140 ELDM’s 6.5 caliber all the same lot $125 shipped