17 wsm

  1. 6.5guys2

    Ammo WTB 17 WSM AMMO

    Lookin to buy some 17 wsm ammo let me know wat you have you can text me at (931) 310-132five for faster response thanks in Advance
  2. aroddc3

    SOLD Ruger 77/17 17wsm Used

    For sale is a Ruger 77/17 chambered in 17 wsm. 18.5" barrel. Has ~450 rounds through it. Very accurate, great for varmint. Barrel is not threaded. This is about 2-3 years old, made before they came threaded standard. Silver finish is a little nicked up, but it's been used for hunting. Also...
  3. ManoftheNortH

    Savage Bmag: how does yours perform and look??

    Hey guys I’m new to the group I have a savage bmag and it shoots well most of the time I know this rifle has a bad wrap but I want to hear some of you guys experience with the awesome 17 super mag Savage bmag please feel free to comment and let’s talk!! Show a new guy to the group some love!!
  4. Z

    NEW From Zermatt Arms - RimX Actions

    Introducing the RimX action from Zermatt Arms. www.rimxaction.com - Remington 700 Footprint - Integral Recoil Lug - Nitrided, chromoly reciever - Nitrided bolt body - DLC Coated Bolt Head - Non-protruding, fixed extractor - 6 o'clock firing pin - Tool-less bolt disassembly - Interchangeable...