
  1. 6.5guys2

    Reloading Equipment WTB 21st century .242 and .2425 mandrels

    Wanting to buy some expander mandrels .2420 and .2425 let me know wat you have you can send pics to 931310132five thanks in advance
  2. J

    Reloading Equipment Sold: 21st Century Powered Neck Turning Lathe

    The power head glides on stainless steel guide rails. Power is supplied via button that is build into the feed handle for very precise feed rate. The floating design of the neck turner and case driver allows the case mouth (bore) to run on the arbor absolutely concentric, allowing O.D. to be...
  3. T

    Thunder Valley Precision Steel Match Feb 21st

    Shooters, We will be having a Steel Match this Saturday Feb 21st starting at 10:00 a.m. sharp. If you need to chronograph be here by 9:00 a.m. Cost is $20.00 members $25 non-members for the day and we WILL shoot the entire course. Ground conditions should be ok to use range truck. Bring a...