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  1. AIAW

    SOLD Lapua Brass - 338LM - New

    Continuing my clean-up and sell-off. 100 pieces "limited run" headstamp, new. $255 shipped (these are true Lapua cases, identical specs and dimensions - just a cancelled contract run a company paid to have a custom stamping on the head). I accept PayPal, Venmo or Zelle as payment. Thanks!
  2. Lowlight

    Cadex Defence CDX-33 Patriot Lite 338LM Sniper Rifle

    Cadex Defence CDX-33 Patriot Lite 338LM Sniper Rifle <iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SDpZTc_pffI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Cadex Defence is a company on the move. For years I have been running their Dual Strike Chassis on a couple of...
  3. LoneWolfUSMC

    Longest COL for .338LM

    What is the longest COL you guys are loading these things to? With what projectiles? Thank
  4. sharpshooter08

    Gunsmithing Replacing AR-30 .338LM stock?

    I was just curious to know if you can replace the armalite AR-30 338LM stock with the AI 2.0 chasis system? If so is there anything recomended to do to make it a smooth process?
  5. C

    Ashbury 338LM , magazines ?

    Hi Guys , Does Accurate Mags , make the 10rd 338LM mags for the Ashbury 338LM , the one that use the Surgeon XL action in its rifle . The mag looks like a big version of the 10rd 308 Sako TRG-22 magazine . And are these available ?
  6. KiwiShtr

    Getting an AIAW .338LM (1st post)

    Hi All. This is my first post on this site and thought what a way to start than to mention my up coming purchase of an AI AW 338LM. Before I go on, Ive been browsing over this site/forums for the past month or so and would like to pass on Kudo's to all those who post here. Alot of...
  7. H

    Primer seating for 338LM

    I have an RCBS hand primer that is supposed to work with LR and SR. I cant get the 338LM shell holder to fit into it. Should it? Or do I need another part?
  8. trigger time

    Hunting & Fishing 338LM vs Pig

    Pig lost.
  9. H

    Teach me about 338LM

    I have never loaded for anything bigger than 308. I am getting ready to order a set of dies for 338 Lapua and am wondering what factors to consider (I attempted to search). I have neck sized a very small amount for 308 but then went back to FL sizing. Should I consider neck sizing for 338 or is...
  10. esromvre

    338LM dies

    Looking for better dies for mine the RCBS seem to be ok but its time to do some fine tuning... Any Ideas on the best place to get a good match set of Redding or something else. or any one want to part with a set I prefer a bushing set if at all possible. any thoughts on Forester?
  11. H

    338LM. Getting started.

    I have a 338LM coming soon and I am needing to get started reloading for it. I have never loaded for the Lapua Magnum, or any other long action for that matter. Just wanting some general advice/guidelines and any tips you guys may have. I will be sizing and loading on my trusty RCBS RockChucker...
  12. Sumpter Steve

    Your best .338LM loads.

    Please share them with me. I've decided to have GAP build me a .338 and now I'm trying to round up some components for reloading. Your recipe's will be appreciated. Steve.
  13. L

    Bell headstamp on 338LM?

    I purchased some once fired 338LM brass and a bunch of it is stamped Bell. Is anyone familiar with this? Any info would be great.
  14. I

    dfar's deal on 338LM lapua brass

    FYI-If you looking for a bargain on new 338 lapua magnum brass check out the price below from Connecticut Firearms & Tactical, $179 per 100rd box, best price i've seen [i just bought a few myself...] <span style="font-style: italic">Here is what I have left. Place an order now for the next...
  15. C

    anyone own a Dakota Longbow in 338LM?

    please post your experience with this rifle. what ammo you shoot, anything else you would like to share i just want to get an overall view of this rifle. i have a friend who has one and he is having constant accuracy issues with this rifle. Thanks
  16. L

    Sako M995 (TRG-S) .338LM: poor man's base rifle?

    Well guys I found a M995 in .338LM and was wondering if it might be a decent option to consider as an entry rig/build base. From some previous posts it looks like restocking might be an issue. Seems McMillan has figured out the lower metal, so it can be done. Also have a call into McRee's as a...
  17. hunterbeto

    REM 700P MLR 338LM

    dear friends, I tried to post in more <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">firearms for sale</span> </span>can not, sorry! <span style="font-weight: bold">I am interested in buying a REM700P MLR 338LM, anyone know where can I get one? and if you have any...
  18. R

    Problems with RL25 in 338LM?

    Just started working up loads for my AI AWSM at the beginning of the year. I bought both H4831SC and RL25. Started with the H4831SC and have had great results. Consistent velocities and low SD for accuracy groups. No load tested over MOA with better groups sub 1/2 and the best load at .350"...
  19. razzle

    Rifle Scopes Sightron SIII on a .338LM rifle?

    Anyone using the Sightron SIII scope on a .338 Lapua Magnum rifle? Wondering if it can take the recoil, and how happy you are with it for long range use? Have a Sako TRG-42 with no optics yet, and with the economy being the way it is I'm not gonna cough up for a S&B right now. Thinking of...
  20. R

    Which company sells 338LM competition dies ?
