
  1. Ratmansqullius

    SOLD WTS/WTT THERMAL- Accufire Incendis PRO 640 12 micron 60Hz Clip-On OR Scope 1-8x mag.

    For sale is an Accufire incendis PRO 640 core 12µm 60hz thermal. $3400 OBO SHIPPED + INSURED - OPEN TO TRADES/OFFERS Can take any battery/power bank with USBC input/output. Has onboard storage for recording. It has an iphone compatible app that allows a user to record remotely from their...
  2. FuhQ

    Night Vision *** NEW *** AGM Rattler TS50-640 2.5x-20x (50Hz) Long Range Thermal Scope

    New video is up featuring the AGM Rattler TS50-640 Long-Range Thermal scope. This is just a video of looking around through it around the house. This scope has a 2,500 yard detection range, but it picked up the heat signature of a passenger jet from God knows how far away (as you'll see in the...