6.5 creedmoor die

  1. T

    Reloading Equipment WTB: 6.5 Creedmoor Forster Sizing Die

    I have been living overseas for the last 4 years, enjoying my time over here, but I move back to the States next month and I miss my reloading gear and shooting all my guns whenever I want. Last time I was home, I purchased a 6.5 creedmoor and want to set up my equipment for reloading. I have...
  2. MrSunday

    Reloading Equipment SOLD: Redding 6.5 Creedmoor Type S Full Length Sizing Die with TIN 287 & 288 Bushings

    SOLD: Redding Type S Full-Length Sizing Die 6.5 Creedmoor Includes 287 & 288 Titanium Nitride Bushings Excellent Condition. $75 Shipped