
  1. 16 Gauge

    Reloading Equipment 75gr ELDM SOLD

    I have 1800 22cal 75 gr eldms. There's a couple of different lot numbers but they're broken out in the pictures.
  2. rpg777

    SOLD Hornady 75gr ELDMs 1,400ct, plus some others

    Thinking about selling my 223 bolt gun, so these tall boys need to go. Hornady 75gr ELD Match bullets for sale. 1000ct same lot unopened boxes (10x100) (SOLD) 400ct same lot, unopened boxes (4x100) plus one open box which is ~75ct (SOLD) Also a rando variety pack; these are all 100ct ELDM...
  3. ychen

    1-8 LVPO or 2-10 MVPO for ar15?

    I built an 18" Wydel lightweight AR15. I want some ideas for rifle scopes. Thank you. I reload 223, so I can shoot bulk 55gr or 75gr boat tail hollow point. I work 5 days a week, live in midtown, and don't have the luxury to hunt (maybe once a year). Usages: Mid-range training (lower cost on...
  4. rothgyr

    Reloading Equipment SOLD WTT 700ct 75gr ELD-Ms for 6mm bullets

    I'm looking for something to feed my 6XC for matches - 107 SMKs, 105 Hybrids, DTACs, Match Burners, A-Tips, etc. If the price difference is huge (looking at you, A-Tips), I can add some cash to make up the difference. Trades only.
  5. Tactical30

    75gr. Hornady A-MAX bullets

    I just loaded some 75gr. A-MAX bullets for my AR-15. I realized that you cant seat them to the mag length. So I got one of those "Original Bob Sled" Single load AR Mags to shoot them single shot just to see what they do. I loaded them with 23grs of Varget (starting load), 75gr A-Max bullet...
  6. Tactical30

    Will 75gr. A-Max bullet fit in AR?

    I just purchased 200rds of Hornady A-Max bullets to reload and just realized how much longer they are with the tip on them. Will they fit in a AR mag ao dont even bother trying? Im just wondering if they are going to be over the Max. Cart. OAL. Shit, I hope not or im stuck with 200rds. Or I...
  7. LoneWolfUSMC

    75gr BTHP in a 1:9 HBAR?

    I am getting ready to load up some 75gr Hornady Match bullets that I picked up to run in my 1:9 HBAR AR15. I am using RE-15 and Winchester primers in LC brass. Anyone have a good charge weight for this? I am not looking to copy someone's load. I would just like to get an idea of how fast these...
  8. J

    75gr .224 vs168gr .308 out to 700 yards

    I have a couple of Savage 10FP's, one in .308 and the other in .223. I load Hornady bullets in both guns, and both rifles shoot .75 MOA. My .308 load uses a 168gr BTHP's out to roughly 2650, while my .223 load uses 75gr BTHP's at 2925. Now, according to the Hornady site, the BC of the 168gr...
  9. A

    Copycat load of Hornady .223 REM 75gr. BTHP Match

    Bought a few boxes of these for $12.95 from CMP last fall and my stash is rapidly dwindling with my recent purchase of a Savage 12 BVSS 26" barreled .223 Rem. This rifle really likes them, shooting 1/2 MOA regularly. I tried some of my homegrown, but load development can be hit and miss and so...
  10. upnorthbacon

    Range Report Hornady 75gr TAP questions

    I just went out this weekend, I have some 75gr TAP ammo from my last AR build which was 1/7 twist and it shot fantastic. I thought I'd try it through my new savage 1/9 twist 26" barrel. I wasn't sure if it would even stabilize through a 1/9 after reading a few articles. Anyway it shot pretty...
  11. S

    22-250AI 9 twist with 75gr a-max??

    I am building a 22-250AI with a 9 twist shilen barrel. Do you think i will be able to shoot 75gr a-max in this set up?
  12. Q

    243 AI 75gr V-Max load data

    Title pretty much says it all. I'm looking for some load data for a 243 AI with 75 V-Max. I'll be using 210m primers and would prefer to use H414 because I have lots of both. I would consider using 70 blitzkings also if anyone has any personal favorites. Thanks for any and all help.