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  1. E

    .300 PRC Barreled Action Recommendations

    I want to preface this by giving some background. This will be my first precision rifle, and with that, I want to build a quality rifle capable of shooting long distance & competitions. I plan on building the MDT ESS Chassis System, and currently I am looking at the Christensen Arms Mesa 300 PRC...
  2. S

    Does the action I'm looking for exist?

    I'm looking for a long action with a rem 700 footprint and controlled feed bolt that I can run a side mounted iron sight on that also accepts prefit barrels. I know American rifle company makes one but they use the springfield ejector and as a result they cut a hole in the side of the receiver...
  3. P

    SOLD Defiance Tenacity 6BR Barreled action. $900 to your FFL.

    Defiance Tenacity, Bartlein Heavy Varmint, chambered in 6BR, 1-7 twist rate. Only used this action for 5 matches this year. Barrel has 1815 rounds through it. $900 to your FFL.
  4. deepsix++

    338 length actions , just a quick poll

    I'm looking around right now at all the actions that are made for .338 lm based cartridges . there of course is a even split between purpose built rifles like the MRAD and AI AX rifles that take double stack 10 round mags and all the custom actions like the badger , impact , Batt , Defiance...
  5. aSilk_Suit007

    Barreled Actions $1000 and under?

    Can anyone post links to some good barreled actions $1000 and under? I’m looking for a Tikka T3, REM 700 or Howa 1500 footprint.
  6. Slothgunner

    30-06 target/hunting rifle

    Hey there, brand new here. I’m looking for a new 30-06 barrel and action for target shooting and also to take hunting as well. I have never bought aftermarket barrels or actions. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction as far as barrel length, twist rate and a decent action...
  7. Alaskashooter

    Mcmillan G30

    I've been looking at alot of .338 actions lately and I stumbled upon the mcmillan g30, but I cant find any in depth info on it. Not seeing them used in anything but the mcmillan tac-338. So if anyone has thoughts or concerns about it please chime in. Not lookin for info on...
  8. D

    In stock Surgeon 591r action distributors?

    I've been looking, can't seem to find a Surgeon 591r action in stock anywhere...perhaps somebody knows something I don't, or has the name to a Surgeon distributor, or maybe has one laying in their garage. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. johnl

    Anschutz 54 vs 64 actions

    Tried search function, no luck. I want to get one really good rim fire. What are the differences between the actions? I'm hedging towards a 1710 HD in 22lr. But the 1418 D KL .22 lr is 700 dollars cheaper. Should I get the last model and put the dough towards a nice scope? decisions, thoughts...
  10. rockybrashear

    Gunsmithing savage target actions

    i was looking at target actions on the savage web sit the other day and noticed that most came in either a .223 or "standard bolt head". what do they mean by standard bolt head exactly? is it any other standard cartidge sizes offered by savage or what?
  11. Brushout

    Bushmaster .308 bolt actions

    Does anyone have any experience with the Bushmaster Custom Shop .308 bolt actions? My dealer has one in stock and the price is about $1800. There is VERY little info on here or on the web in general about them. Just checking for some info. Claims on the website that they will hold 1moa at...
  12. P

    Templar Actions All Chrome Moly ?

    Are the actions of all chrome moly construction ?
  13. GasLight

    Gunsmithing Manufacturing Process for Factory Remmy Actions

    Hello, I am curious what the process is for producing a factory remington action? Anyone know? The ones I have seen look like the face has been cut with a bandsaw. Do they cut a tube, then bore, then thread, then broach the lug races? Thanks, Dave

    Gunsmithing Type 7 license to modify actions?

    I just heard a little while ago that someone was shut down cause they didn't have a type 7 and was truing up factory actions. Anyone else heard anything on this? They are saying to modify a action that its required.
  15. G

    Gunsmithing Lawton 7000 actions long for 300 wsms

    They have a special with them and was wondering if you can make a 300 wsm out of a long action/ Thanks
  16. ChadTRG42

    Actions with milled-in rail?

    Are there any other tactical actions (repeaters) that include the picatiny rail that is part of the action, besides Surgeon? I'm talking about the rail built into and part of the action and not mounted by screws. I know Tikka and Sako have their proprietary rail on top, also. But I'd like to see...
  17. T

    Gunsmithing A good way to clean and work on actions - Vise It

    I often find that instead of using a gun stand, it's easier to just vise the barrel for cleaning or tweaking the action. Here's a pic of my bench. http://takdriver.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=44
  18. slayer_21420

    Savage actions, Where to buy?

    Does anybody know of any dealers stocking Savage actions? I need a short action, preferably a 223 bolt face, I can swap them out if not, any leads would be much appreciated, Steve
  19. D

    20mm actions

    ive been having a look about on here and came across a warlock action by edm, the thread seems to stop, did the bloke whos project it was every get it finished? will edm still make a 20mm action? you guys in the US seem to have great places to shoot, i thought that there would be a lot of...
  20. B

    Howa actions

    How good are Howa actions? Can they hold their own with like a Savage or Remington Action? I could sure use some help with this, cause I dont know shit about them.