
  1. O


    2 plates of AR500 Armor Level III+ Lightweight ALSC Body Armor 10" x 12" inside the Veritas with cumberbun and mag carrier. $175 paypal shipped.
  2. Big Dog Steel

    Big Dog Steel Cyber Monday

    Our Cyber Monday sales are starting a little early. No coupon codes, gimmicks, or tricks. We've severely cut prices and added a few more target options for our patent pending twist-lock target system. We've added a Head target, IPSC "A" zone, 12" square, 8" circle or the head and A zone...
  3. vinconco

    All Terrain T Post Stand

    ALL TERRAIN T Post Stand On sale now ! Christmas codes on website. [B]
  4. D

    Steel Armor Plate Damage testing video

    Hi Guys We have just done a whole bunch of testing on 12mm Bisplate 500 / AR500, looking for different thresholds that damage targets. I've put together a video that shows some of the impacts up close and also a bit of an explanation at the end about how different projectiles react. It...
  5. H

    Range Report Steel Targets AR500- NOT!

    Got some armor plating and was told that it was AR 500, 3/8 inch thick. So I had a friend cut a 18X24 piece, I welded up a frame drilled a couple of holes hung it from some chain and stuck it out at 600 yards. 223 left tiny dimples, thought I was good for the 300 WM. The 300 blew right through...