
  1. G

    Bare Minimum Gear for First PRS Match?

    Hello All! I really like the idea of centerfire PRS so I just purchased a 6CM, got a decent scope, some mags and ammo. Besides that, what is considered the bare equipment to go and have fun. I don't care about ranking or whatever, just want my equipment to run and have fun. Is a Kestral really...
  2. P

    Having questionable optics or build issues, advice needed

    Hey everyone, this is my very first post here and I’ve debated asking for help because I’m probably going to come across as an idiot. I need some help and don’t have any friends or family to go to. This is a long post, but please read. I have a Savage Axis Precision 2 chambered in 6.5...
  3. S

    Help on where i stand with my rifle.

    I have a modified 7.62x54r yes a modified mosin. I'm nearly done with the refit. Changing the bore to 308 and cleaning up the trigger have this girl a singer. Its been a slow experiment because the cartridge has shown to be a great one. I reload and greatly enjoy the constant science. My...
  4. 991GT3

    Custom or Factory for New PRS

    Hey all, New to the forum, and hoping to get some advice. I want to get started in PRS and hopefully avoid some equipment purchasing mistakes I want to avoid wasting money in either direction. Whether it’s buying a “beginner” setup that I’m going to upgrade within a year, or spending $8,000 on...
  5. Stangs55

    Getting Started Reloading - Here's What I've Bought... tell me where I went wrong and where I still need to fill in... I really don't do what many people would consider "high volume"...a couple hundred rounds in a month. I'm a detail oriented guy (ie: OCD), so I'm really looking to tune loads for my barrels as opposed to saving money. I'm...
  6. J

    Dont read if beginner questions annoy you...

    Could someone please explain headspace and its implications to me?Also, how do you decide what barrel contour is best for your application? Thanks in advance for your patience.
  7. F

    A beginner's question

    I'd need a few ideas/opinions from you folks who know rifles and scopes as I'm writing a novel in which there is a character who is basically a sniper and I need to write in some gear. What would be a decent <span style="font-style: italic">basic</span> rifle? By basic I mean a rifle that...
  8. D

    Beginner info

    Hello to all, I am a new member on here. I am not new to shooting but am new to reloading. I would like to learn and read as much as I can before I buy the equipment and try it out. I was hoping to find a book or books, articles etc. on the basics of reloading specifically for long range...