#bolt action

  1. Tmduck73

    Firearms Aero precision solus .478 bolt face action

    Brand new aero precision bolt action (action only). Not the lightweight model, this is the OG, I bought it when they first came out and just never got to this project. Looking to utilize funds elsewhere. $700 OBO includes shipping
  2. jeffr

    Terminus Action ejector removal

    Unlike my standard Remington actions (none 3lug), I can't use my ejector tool. Aside doing it the normal route, grabbing a piece of brass and placing it into bolt face and then punching the ejector pin. Does anyone know of an easier way of doing this on these 3lug bolts?
  3. A

    Picking my first bolt action rifle

    Good morning all, I have been shooting for a long time but never owned a bolt action rifle. With Christmas right behind the corner I am considering to purchase one. Primary uses - Target shooting (range)+ Deer hunting (once a year kind of thing). Max Budget for the rifle excluding the scope...