buffer system

  1. mxjoe35

    Accessories Kynshot RB5006 Hydraulic Buffer

    I'm selling a lightly used Kynshot RB5006 Hydraulic buffer. Benefits: Drop-In Replacement Reduce felt recoil Improve reliability Reduce bolt carrier speed Reduce wear on parts Reduce shock and vibration to optics Suppress bolt bounce Decrease sight movement Smoother operation Faster shot...
  2. Dvando20

    Rifle Length crushed tungsten buffer?

    Do any reputable manufacturers make a crushed tungsten filled rifle length buffer for the AR15? Something similar to Spikes Tactical tungsten carbine buffer but in rifle length? Been hunting around and haven't found much.
  3. grassy knoll

    SOLD Sons of Liberty Gunworks A5 Buffer System

    New Sons of Liberty Loyal 9 A5 Receiver Extension (9 position) New Sprinco A5 Green Spring Vltor A5 H3 buffer- used it to fire about 15 rounds while I was testing different weights to get the right one. Still like new. $65 shipped.