
  1. Draco877

    DPMS GII built up or DPMS LR-308 build?

    I am wanting to get an AR type in .308 WIN and having a hard time deciding how to go about it. I like the idea of the GII of being lighter by a bit and having some more compatability. However to my understanding it is easier to mess with the more standard DPMS 308 stuff. Thoughts and opinions...
  2. 2

    Wanting a 6.5 creedmoor for hunting build or buy?

    So I am looking into getting another hunting rifle except this time I want it in 6.5 creedmoor. Goals for this rifle are that Number 1 I want it to be my go to hunting rig I want to know it like the back of my hand, Number 2 I want it to be about 8 ish pounds up to 9 if need be that's with...