bullet grain

  1. Wake_907

    bullet recommendations for 1/8 twist 22in barrel

    I have a Kimber hunter 6.5 creedmoor and im looking for some advice in finding the right bullett for the gun. it seems to throw 120gr bullets better than 125, and 140 (all hornady match grade). Its a hunting rifle so i want the heaviest bullet i can get away with and i dont really want to use...
  2. O

    338 Lapua Mag Reloading

    I picked up a Savage Elite Precision 338 Lapua Mag and wanted to know for those out there reloading, what powder and projectile are you having the best results with for long range 1000 and up? Looking for a starting point and have heard others using H-1000 powder and Sierra Match king bullets...
  3. M

    Beretta Tikka t3 Lite .270

    I am planning to get a tikka t3 lite in the .270 caliber and was wondering what grain bullet I should use. Should I be using a heavier grain to even out the balance between the flatter tragectory and stopping power of the .270. I am using the rifle for whitetail. Please help :)