
  1. Crypt_keeper

    Accessories ARC 6CM barrel

    For sale: An ARC chambered barrel for ARC actions. 25 in long, 7 twist, contour is similar to med palma/marksman. Threaded 5/8x24. Has close to 300rds on it. It is a shouldered barrel. $300 shipped DM for questions, offers, etc. I will NOT DM you first Flexible on payment Link is for 6.5cm...
  2. 03pierce17

    SOLD WTT/WTS (NEW) Foundation Stock

    (New) Foundation Centurion Stock standard fill, dark distressed color, and inleted for ARC CDG/ Remington 700 short action. Bottom metal cut for Hawkins Precision M5 BDM short action which accepts AIAW and AICS magazines. Bottom metal not included. Price: 980 + FREE Shipping (Firm) PPFF Will...
  3. 7

    WTB In search of two CDG actions

    In search of 2 ARC CDG actions. Looking for the original price of 899 and wondering if anyone has one or two sitting on a shelf they still haven’t sold or are wanting to move. Used is fine as well. I’m happy to pay or trade gunamithing services or a combination of the two. I can get you...
  4. Berkenen

    Entry Level Build after CDG Price Bump

    Been out of the loop for a while after I sold my Curtis, and I know "search is my friend" but none of the starter/entry build threads were after the ARC CDG increased in price. If it was still the old price I would 100% get the CDG for $899, but now that it's almost the price of a TL3 does that...
  5. B

    Cdg in a HNT26. Leather cheek works!

    Dremeled off (!) the neoprene on my HNT 26 folder. Replaced with built up leather. Sits higher slightly, smells good, looks good. Didn't do a perfect job but it's functional...and with the adhesive I used - permanent!
  6. P

    Chassis for Coup De Grace

    Figured it may be useful to start a thread on chassis for the CDG with the Aw Mags. I am planning on trying out the Magpul pro 700 as shooting in the cold on bare aluminum sucks.