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  1. GT_Actual

    SOLD Zeiss 30-50% Certificate

    Certificate good for 30-50% off and is valid until 1-31-2025. The 30% off applies to the S5 which would still save you a good amount of money. $500 ---> $450 ---> $400 OBO PayPal FF or you cover the fee.
  2. Roper215

    Optics Sold: WTS: Zeiss Gift Certificate

    For sale, 50% off Zeiss Cert, issued 10/12, good for 180 days. 400 OBO. Paypal, F&F or Zelle
  3. COprecisionhunter

    Accessories WTS 50% Off Thunder Beast Certificate

    I have a 50% off TBAC cert that I’d like to sell. $sold via Venmo and PayPal friends and Family. Also will to trade towards an MPA Matrix chassis
  4. bonesaw00001

    SOLD Proof Carbon Fiber Free Barrel Certificate x2

    Howdy y'all, I have two carbon fiber barrel certificates I will not be using from the prize table at Mammoth. Value is up to $1,349. Perfect for those AXSR/MC /AX barrels. Covers most prefits. Venmo or *PayPal* preferred. Zelle less so. Need to be used by Dec. 31, 2025. $800 shipped each.
  5. Vivacious Stallion

    SOLD Vortex 30% off cert

    Self explanatory post. Picked up this Europtic 30% off Vortex certificate off a prize table, but I haven't found a use for it so I'm letting it go. Expiration date is 4/16/2025. $100 via Paypal Friend to Friend or Zelle. I will send the code/full image once money has been received. Vivacious
  6. Vivacious Stallion

    SOLD Zeiss 50% Off Certificate

    Hello Hide, I am selling a Zeiss 50% off certificate from a recent match. Example: This cert would bring a Zeiss LRP S3 6-36 from $2500 down to $1250. Including $500 for the cert, about $50 for tax and shipping that comes to about $1800! $500 for the certificate. Payment via PayPal, Zelle or...
  7. Tshootz

    Optics ZC527 Tremor 5 and $800 ZCO Cert

    I have a ZC527 with a T5 reticle and a $800 off ZCO cert available. Thought I'd use this more, but my 420 gets more use and this one needs a home where someone can love it properly! I did use it in some local 1 day matches so it hasn't been a safe queen so it has some dirt and marks on it, but...
  8. N

    SOLD $500 Manners Cert - $300

    As the title says, a $500 Manners cert selling for $300. Expires 6-18-24 Will send pic discount code to buyer (unless you prefer me to mail it instead). P/P F&F or Venmo.
  9. DI Precision

    Accessories 55% off Swarovski or kahles Cert Sold!

    55% off Swaro Cert expires Dec 31 2023 Sold!!!
  10. DI Precision

    SOLD Swaro Cert 55%

    55% Swaro cert for sale exp Dec 31, 2023 Sold
  11. S

    SOLD US Optics 50% certificate Off Any Optic $500

    US Optics 50% certificate Off Any Optic $500. Valid until 08/12/24
  12. Vivacious Stallion

    SOLD Europtic Vortex 30% off Cert

    Pretty self explanatory post. Picked up this Europtic 30% off Vortex certificate off a price table, but I haven't found a use for it so I'm letting it go. Expiration date is 1/17/2024. $100 via Paypal Friend to Friend. I will send the code once money has been received. Vivacious
  13. Tshootz

    Optics $800 off ZCO cert

    I have another $800 off ZCO Cert. $400 shipped to your door since you need to mail the cert in.
  14. Tshootz

    SOLD $800 off ZCO Cert

    $800 off ZCO Cert. $400 shipped to your door since you need to mail the actual cert.
  15. A

    SOLD SAC Rebarrel Cert

    SAC Free Rebarrel Cert - includes chambering, muzzle work, and cerakote. Expires 6/23.
  16. mxjoe35

    SOLD MPA Cert

    No longer need CERT.
  17. Nicholi2789

    Accessories Thunderbeast 50% off cert

    Hey guys, I have a 50% off any suppressor certificate for sale. Can be used on any of their cans. No expiration date. Asking $350 OBO Thanks!
  18. ADAMS512

    SOLD ThunderBeast 50% off Certificate

    Like the title says. Selling my Thunderbeast 50% off ceritifcate good for any of the TB Suppressors. Asking $325.00 . Paypal FF or venmo.
  19. Tshootz

    Accessories Whole Bunch of Stuff

    First for sale post so if I did something wrong please let me know! I have a whole bunch of stuff I'm looking to sell. I will update the post as items sell. Not really looking to trade for anything, but willing to negotiate some on the prices. Prices do NOT include shipping. 300x Alpha 6.5...
  20. bonesaw00001

    SOLD WTS 30% off Vortex Cert for EuroOptic

    Want to sell a Euro Optic Vortex 30% off Certificate for $Sold It’s 30% off their lowest advertised price on ANY VORTEX item. It will expire on 7/15/2022. So, a Gen 3 Razor 6-36 would be $2100 before tax. from $3,000 previously ($900 savings). Paypal or venmo. Cross-posted to Tac Swap.