ec brake

  1. R

    SOLD EC Tuner Brake 6.5mm

    EC Tuner Brake, black nitride, 6.5mm, 5/8x24, has tapered nut and straight adapter. Asking $150 shipped. Can accept Zelle, PayPal, Venmo.
  2. Mg427

    AXSA 6.5 Creedmoor with EC Brake Tuner range report

    AXSA 6.5 Creedmoor proof research barrel with EC Brake Tuner range report, used Hornady 140 ELDM load with H4350 41 gr Vel 2750, this load usually gives me .5-.7 moa depending on me. Tested today, started with a setting of zero and got about a .800 moa group. Started testing and ended at...