
  1. fastone20

    Maggie’s what to expect from the cops grant. just sharing

    Dont know why I am posting it but some might want to know. This is what we got. It makes me sick in a department where the highest paid position is 26,000 a year with limited benefits. Guess i need to get a new job. I would like to thank you for your grant application under the COPS Hiring...
  2. S

    Remington Sendero 300WM What should I expect?

    I am getting started with long range shooting and the Remington Sendero is where I am starting out. I know that no two are alike but in general, What should I expect as far as accuracy with a good reload? Jeff
  3. E

    Gunsmithing What kind of accuracy would you expect?

    As a hobby I have built somewhere around 30 rifles thus far. I have a neighbor that I owed a favor who had a completely shot out 788. (8 to 10 inch 100 yard groups) He is a machinist by trade, a great guy and hangs in my shop a bit. I think he is still playing shop teacher since he taught me...
  4. rdinak

    Rifle Scopes Leica Warranty-What can I expect?

    I have owned two pair of Leica binoculars for several years. They were purchased through a Red Dot certified dealer. I have recently sent them back for factory cleaning and check up. When I contacted the factory they mentioned that upon receipt they would send either a warranty repair notice...
  5. H

    What reduction to expect in a shorter barrel?

    If I have a given velocity in a reloading manual for say, a 24" barrel, is there a formula for reducing this per inch? I'm shooting out of a 22 7/8" barrel and would like to know where the baseline is for getting started with a new load against what the manual shows.