Benefits of a Two stage trigger on the DD5 V5 vs the Single stage it comes with. Gun is on the way saw the hunter had a two stage. Just curious what people think of the two types of triggers! What are some of the best of both types. Shooting at range to 500 to 800 yards I'm fine with what comes...
Selling 2 very low salt SSPs both used for 20 rounds. I was testing them out for an AR10 Precision build and ended up going with an SD-E.
G$ SSP Flat $165 *** SOLD ***
G$ SSP curved $165
Take both for $320
Cost includes shipping & insurance.
I have 150 confirmed trades on Reddit GAFS...
Needing to pay off some medical labs.
I've got 2 Geissele SSP curved triggers. Both haven't been fired only dry fired.
Asking $170 each shipped.
I've got 122 confirmed trades on Reddit GAFS username AlternativeStation29. Items are crossposted so its possible they sell on GAFS first.
I can...