
  1. P

    TL3/shouldered pre-fit issue

    Bought a zermatt action that had a carbon prefit 308 barrel on it. Went to the range MV was decent for a 16” barrel but the grouping was trash. I was also having issues with lite strikes on AB39 and my A tips. Put my foster go gauge in that went smooth. Put the “no go” gauge in and that closed...
  2. L

    Headspaceing the 45acp HELP

    I need some advice on headspace. I have a 45 acp in 1911 that is Vietnam or WWII era that has been through a gunsmith from Fort Knoks. It has a hair trigger. That is how I got it. I bought it from a police officer that was unloading to clean when it went off, went through the wall and missed his...