henry .22

  1. SkepticalTiger

    Henry Youth H001Y Range Report and Groupings

    Looked around see what groupings people were getting with their henry rifles and the results weren't too satisfactory so while waiting on another barrel to come in for an AR22 project decided some unscientific tests myself. Hopefully this will be useful to someone because I think these rimfires...
  2. SkepticalTiger

    Henry Accurizing Project Questions

    I got a Henry H001Y and its been a blast. 2 MOA with CCI SV consistently which got me thinking. What would it take to accurize the octagonal frontier model? I'm not trying to reach super tuned CZ or Anschutz levels here, rather how much better can I make the base gun for trying out ELR and maybe...
  3. Gunnie88

    Henry’s fun .22’s

    You can’t help but love lever action rifles. Their fun, lightweight and pretty accurate. It’s not an NRL22 choice by any means but just a fun shooter. My daughter snagged this from me a few years ago and it’s a great squirrel gun to carry into the woods. It will eat anything you feed it as long...