• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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  1. White_Shark

    Optics WTS: German Precision Optics Passion ED 10x42 Binoculars $250

    Selling brand new pair of green GPO Passion ED 10x42 binoculars. They come with everything pictured. $250 - Price includes shipping and insurance to CONUS. AK and HI must cover actual shipping costs I accept Paypal G&S +3%, Paypal F&F, Zelle, Venmo, USPS MO, and cash FTF in central AR.
  2. L

    Hunting with the AI ATX

    Good evening guys, Call me crazy but i would like to hunt with my ATX 😁 Want to know if there are crazy guys who did hunt with the ATX ? How was it ? Also, if you have any recommendations for the backpack 🙏🙏🙏 Ps : i will be using a tripod Thanks !
  3. JohnJameson

    NC Coyote Hunt near Bragg/Fay:

    Good evening, I'm (still) looking to start hunting coyote (day/night). Does anyone know of any private land or farmers that want coyote removed? If not, does anyone know where to find private land for lease at a reasonable price? Thanks!
  4. OpticsPlanet

    Ultimate Predator Hunting Accessory Package

    Enter for a chance to win Ultimate Predator Hunting Accessory Package! Win 13 Prizes! Enter by February 28, 2022 See Details Here: https://www.opticsplanet.com/sweepstakes
  5. T

    Hunting & Fishing Best state for first time western hunts

    hey guys, looking for a few tips to start making some muley hunt plans. I’ve never been out west for hunts and have been trying to figure out my best chance for not only tags but also best chances for a successful hunt. Believe it or not but the hunting forum guys are less than helpful and thing...
  6. C

    Hunting & Fishing Tejon Ranch, CA Pig hunt. 8/7-8/9

    I went to Tejon Ranch with Annie and my good friend from work Howard. We left Friday and got to the ranch late in the day. Howard and Annie both got their hunting licenses earlier this year so I thought what better way to get them in the outdoors more than to take them on a guided pig hunt...
  7. H

    Hunting & Fishing I am interested in an Elk hunt. Questions/

    I assume it may be too late to make it happen this year, but I am interested in an Elk hunt. Where is a good place to start researching to make sure we have a good trip? Are there states with good hunting, that tags can still be had, maybe through the outfitter?
  8. A

    Hunting & Fishing THIS IS WHY I HUNT AFRICA

    Many people wonder about my mind set but this is my adrenaline rush. I have my leopard charge on video and will try to convert it to DVD in the next few weeks. I LIVE FOR THIS SHIT... <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fv1jqPj2KNA"></param>...
  9. H5N1

    Hunting & Fishing Colorado Mule Deer Hunt

    I'm thinking about going on a Colorado "drop camp" mule deer hunt this year. Has anyone had experience with any particular outfitter? I've never hunted in the mountains. Any advice would appreciated,Thanks

    Hunting & Fishing My first Pig hunt European Trophy Done!

    My first pig in Raymond, Ca. 6-27-09. Thanks for looking, Ed <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #FF0000">Go</span> here <span style="color: #FF0000">for more</span></span>
  11. V

    Hunting & Fishing Hunt with McM HTG?

    Just curious fellas, how many of you have hunting sticks with McM HTG stock? How well does the stick handle (shooting aside) with the HTG stock? Pics for moral support appreciated!
  12. GardDog

    Hunting & Fishing Pronghorn Hunt Question

    I have wanted for years to go on a pronghorn hunt. I have researched hunts from Arizona to the Dakotas. Have any of you hunted pronghorn in multiple locations that could point out the better spot? Any ranch or guide references? Any public land or WMA's that could be pointed out? This isn't...
  13. S

    Hunting & Fishing Looking for a hog hunt

    For Luke, my 9 y/o, and me. I live in central MS. Would like to find something within 7-8 hour drive. Do you guys have any recommendations on an outfitter or land owner that would be accomodating? Thanks guys. Chris
  14. J

    Hunting & Fishing Long range tahr hunt (New Zealand not Himalayan)

    The cabin we stayed in for 9 days - a 10.5 hour hike from the nearest track. The river after some rain (lucky we had a bridge) Climbing up to hunt some tahr, as the sun rises over an ice-fall The same ice-fall from higher up Spotting equipment - the best way to find tahr quickly at range...
  15. glock10mmman

    Hunting & Fishing PD hunt. 760 yard confirmed shot **GRAPHIC picts**

    Had a hellova time last weekend on a dog hunt in western Kansas. 3 of us reaked havock for 2 days on a monster of a dog town. I pulled off an incredible shot folks. 760 yards, 223 w/ 50 grain V-max. Had a 10-15 MPH right to left wind. I had my 64 minutes of angle on my scope pegged out and was...
  16. BgBmBoo

    Hunting & Fishing Another yote busted..morning hunt

    Took a buddy out coyote hunting this morning. Ended up seeing a total of eight yotes but they were either in the brush offer no shot, or waaayyyy far away. My buddy bagged this one with a head shot at about 60yrds with his new AR. Young dog, but any yote you shoot when hunting them is a good...
  17. christian77

    Hunting & Fishing Central TX hog hunt

    zink14 & I made our way out to his ranch this past weekend and got the drop on some unlucky pigs. We were firing from a cliff elevated about 100ft or so, firing at a 90' angle down, 18-20mph winds at a range of maybe 200 or so yards and the critters were hauling ass
  18. cut rifled

    Hunting & Fishing Finally Booked My Canadian Whitetail Hunt

    Well we finally found our outfitter and booked our whitetail hunt in Saskatchewan at a place called Caribou Trail Outfitters 2 hours north of Saskatoon. Trip was $4500.00 but with the economy in the tank they did it for $3500 with license and tax included we will be hunting the last season Nov...
  19. 2

    Hunting & Fishing NM Barbary sheep hunt

    Finally got out, with son in tow and hunted these sheep for the first time. It was a hard hunt, with lots of walking and glassing the wide open canyons. The animals are hard to spot, as they blend in very well. Finally able to track some down and get a shot (not long at 285). 7mm WSM with...