kestrel 5700 applied ballistice

  1. sneakypayload

    Kestrel repair and wait times

    Anyone recently sent a Kestrel in? They quote 3-5 day turnaround times in the RA email they send “once they receive it” but when I called a few days ago after it had been received early December they said they “hadn’t even looked at it yet”. what’s average fix time?
  2. D

    SOLD ***SPF***

    Like the title says, going to sell them as a complete set for a new person coming into the game. First "I'll take it" posted here triumphs DM's so stay frosty Payment is either PP FF discrete, Zelle $1575 Shipped
  3. G

    SOLD PENDING - $550 Shipped! Kestrel 5700 Elite Link Applied Ballistics

    Like new, excellent condition. Only possible trades are McMillan Kestros Bat M inlet or flat top, Seb rests, or F-Class gear
  4. 6.5guys2

    SOLD Kestrel 5700 Ballistics Weather Meter with LiNK And wind vane kit

    I have a Kestrel 5700 Ballistics Weather Meter with LiNK. I also have the wind vane kit for it Aswell. The only difference in this and the elite model is you can only have 3 gun profiles at a time and the elite you can have more this still uses applied ballistics also. This is a killer unit I...