• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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    See the winner


  1. 03pierce17

    Accessories ****SOLD****Blackhawk SOF Ruck Kit with Frame Coyote Tan

    Excellent condition and a great piece of gear whether your operating or just reacreationally hunting/camping. Coyote tan in color SOLD Paypal FF/Venmo
  2. Hylo

    SOLD WTS Two Vets "The KIT" Tripod with 44mm Ballhead

    Selling off my Two Vets "The Kit" tripod as it just sits in the corner lonely staring at me while I grab my QDTV2 every time, and I'm sick of hearing it crying as I walk away. Looking for $600.
  3. LilGucci

    Spec my guns: How would you build a dream AR-15

    In 2023, I intend to build 4 AR-15s, and I would like a little help planning out the parts I'm going to have to buy, as well as the strategy for each gun. Three of the rifles will be in 556, including one that will be a Recce/SPR, and one that will be an SBR, while the fourth will be in 6mm...
  4. syoakem711

    SOLD MPA Matrix R700SA RH w/full weight kit

    MPA Matrix in burnt bronze. Comes with full internal and external weight kits. It has been used for 2 seasons and shows some wear. Also includes Heckler grip, large vertical grip, large and small lop buttpads, pro and standard cheek risers, thumb rest, and trigger finger spacers. Asking $950 +...
  5. T

    SOLD WTB: Para-Ordnance TTR Upper Kit or Rifle $1,350.00 - $1,700.00 OBO

    I'd like to buy a Para-Ordnance TTR upper assembly & stock preferably but I am willing to purchase a full rifle. I have no preferences of the condition for the finish and not concerned about blemishes either. I only want the kit or rifle to be fully functioning and operational; not picky about...
  6. C

    Multicam Dip Kits

    Finally found a DIY Camo Dip Kit in Multicam - Camo Dip Kit - Do It Yourself Water Transfer Camo Dip Kit
  7. C

    ATACs Camo Dip Kit

    Finally have the ATACs pattern... Camo Dip Kit - Do It Yourself Water Transfer Camo Dip Kit
  8. C

    Gunsmithing Barrel changing kit for the M2008??

    Who if anyone makes one. Or can make one? TIA
  9. H

    Gunsmithing Magpul PRS flush cup installation - Kit Coming !!

    Scratched my head for a while figuring this out. There is no good way to glue a cup into the hollow stock (at least that I would trust a $4000 rifle and scope swinging off of). So I came up with this, the location allows sling use on either side of the stock, and mimics the way I sling my AR...
  10. D

    Questions about a 22 conversion kit for AR

    Just got my AR put together and set up the way I wanted! I was thinking of getting a .22 LR conversoin kit for it. Ammo is cheaper and I would be shooting with the same gun, sounds great. I have three questions or concerns with this and was hoping to get some input or help. 1. What's your...
  11. beenjammin

    Gunsmithing needsome help with a barrel change kit

    I got an AIAW and a looking at brownells fro a good barrel action block that I can just clamp in my bench vice. there are so many barrel vices listed that I dont really know what im looking for. Does anyone have hand good suggestions. My vice is standard 4". can I also use a set of brownells...
  12. DoSqH

    Rifle Scopes Kokopelli 30mm Lapping Kit

    Hey Everyone, Would anyone happen to have one they would be willing to ship to me to use for a 'rental' fee? I can pay shipping both ways. Thanks, Jake
  13. captnmo

    Lee reloading kit - Why so cheap?

    So I'm looking at buying a reloading starter kit and have investigated the usualy suspects: Lyman, Lee, RCBS, etc. But I notice the Lee kits are about $180 cheaper but haven't heard anything negative about them. Am I missing something or are these really a good kit? Thanks.
  14. D

    Lower Parts Kit???

    I am going to order an APA Lower and I am going to install a Geissele Trigger, a Magpul PRS Stock and an Ergo Grip on it. I am starting from scratch so I will need all the parts necessary to accomplish this. Can someone with more experience point me in the right direction? I want to do this...
  15. Kasey

    Sako TRGR Kit

    Here is a couple of pictures of the Sako TRG rail installed (TRGR (pronounced "trigger" Kit, Part number BT29) shown with our BT12-QK monopod. These are in production and will be available some time later. I haven't the numbers for the cost but it will be agreeable to most. We also have a...
  16. D

    Ciener .22lr Kit work in a Gas Piston Upper?

    Anyone know if a Ciener kit or the Spike's Tactical version of this kit can be used in a gas piston .223 upper? I know the .22 is a pretty dirty round to fire. Does using one of these kits get the really nasty fouling coated into the gas tube of a direct inpingement AR? Does the Spike's...
  17. Opiy

    Dillon caliber conversion kit 9mm work on .357?

    I know the 9mm caliber conversion will work with 40S&W but I wonder if it will work with 38spl and .357mag. They are a little bigger than the 40. The 40S&W is .424 and .357mag is .440 width so I expect no but thought I would ask and see if anyone has tried it. But I bet the 40S&W caliber...
  18. Halfnutz

    Gunsmithing Volquartsen kit for Ruger MarkII 22/45

    I have started doing some more pistol shooting and looking to upgrade my Ruger MarkII 22/45 for Bullseye Shooting. I have seen both positive and negatives about Volquartsen products. I can get this kit https://www.volquartsen.com/products/281-accurizing-kit-for-ruger-mkiimkiii locally for $74...
  19. F

    Suppressors my LWRC M6A2 kit

    i know some people will say WHY beacause i felt like it and i can i know i know i need a tan case the deployment case contains M6A2 finished in worn cyote AAC M4-2000 supressor Elcan Spetre DR 1x and 4X with 5.56 BDC LMT sopmod stock laser devises Otal 6 P-mags FDE loaded...
  20. pickpick

    Gunsmithing armalite ar10/cmmg lower parts kit

    Looking to buy an armalite ar10. I have found a stripped lower and a cmmg lower parts kit. Will this combo work? Or which lower kits should I be looking for?