leica 2800

  1. Rifle_Rookie88

    Optics Athlon Ares G2 UHD Spotting scope / Slik Carbon Fiber Tripod with video head *Price Update*

    Have a few items for sale, first "I'll take it" gets priority. Prices include shipping to CONUS. All these items have been out to the field one time. Leica Rangemaster 2800.com $600 SOLD Athlon Ares G2 UHD 20-60X85 Spotting Scope 45 degree $650 (Price updated) Slik pro 824CF carbon fiber...
  2. B

    WTB Leica 7x24 Rangemaster CRF 2800.COM Laser Rangefinder

    Looking for something used. Whatcha got?
  3. Rifle_Rookie88

    WTB FOUND Leica Rangemaster CRF 2800.COM

    As the title states looking for a Leica Rangemaster CRF 2800.COM Prefer new or as new as possible. Hit me up, thanks.