
  1. Rifle_Rookie88

    Optics ***FOUND*** WTB: McCann MIRS LA Rail

    As the title states, I am looking to buy a McCann Industries MIRS LA Rail for an MK13 im building. Anyone that has one they are willing to part with it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  2. Rifle_Rookie88

    Accessories ***Found**** WTB McCann MIRS LA

    Like the title says, looking for a McCann MIRS LA rail. If anyone has one they would part with please let me know. Thank you.
  3. 96C

    Rifle Scopes McCann MIRS rail with Leupy 50mm, Ring Height?

    Hi guys, I have the McCann MIRS rail for the Rem700 action SA and a Leupold 4.5-14x50mm with the ARD + flip up cover. The issue I have however is my Leupold MK4 Medium rings were too low, they have a High and Super High MK4 ring set. Does anyone have any experience with the MIRS and know their...