• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

    Thank you to everyone who particpated!

    See the winner


  1. G

    Read the site rules

    Go read the site rules. Become a supporter and post in PX. Do this again and you will be banned.
  2. D

    Optics Unavailable Schmidt and Bender PM II Ultrashort 3x20 50mm Objective

    My name is Tyler. I have a Schmidt and Bender PM II Ultrashort for sale. $2700 This Riflescope is in pristine condition. I hate to sell this optic because it's that damn good. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Anything on the scope and it's original box with manual is included...
  3. thedarkknight

    New tech and advancements are here. Whats the new best AR15 cartridge?

    We all have 223/5.56 and it's been around long enough. Even the military wants a new cartridge. There have been many advances and discoveries is tech, powders, aerodynamics, etc. If cost and availability were not an issue, what do you think should be the next cartridge standardized for the...
  4. GaryT

    SOLD M40A6 by CHPWS (Reduced)

    6.5 Creedmoor build Started this build over a year ago and have since lost interest without ever shooting it. Built by CHPWS in Georgia with a half MOA guarantee. Krieger barrel in 6.5cm correct make, profile, and length RR R700 receiver correct Timney elite trigger at 1.8lbs Surefire...
  5. L

    M110 place holder, and growing into a system

    Hello everyone this is my first post. I recently got a chance to work with my units (ANG) sniper section and was really interested in moving into their teams. They squared me away on literature (accuracy international, Ryan Cleckner) and told me to get as much shooting with a 308 as I can. As I...
  6. 3

    A real operators workout!!!

    I have searched high and low for a true representation on how our elite millitary personnel train, and I think I have finally found the video that accurately depicts it! I am personally started this training regime shortly! How To Workout Like An Operator - YouTube
  7. Redback One

    Training Courses Redback One MIL/LE Advanced Hostage Rescue Training: Aug. 25-29, 2014 - Moyock, NC

    Redback One offers the most advanced Hostage Rescue training courses available. Our instructors are former members of SASR and U.S Special Mission Units specializing in all aspects of domestic and offshore Hostage Rescue. RB1 instructor cadre are some of the most knowledgeable trainers in the...
  8. Redback One

    Training Courses Redback One MIL/ LE CQB Offensive Stronghold Clearance: April 30-May 2, 2014 Moyock NC

    3-DAY CQB - OFFENSIVE STRONGHOLD CLEARANCE © COURSE DESCRIPTION: For the full course description please view the .pdf document via our website. ENROLL NOW ABOUT JASON FALLA AND REDBACK ONE: Jason arrived in the United States in 2005 after spending 12 years of service...
  9. Redback One

    Training Courses Redback One 3-Day MIL/ LE Night Operations: April 7-9 and 10-12, 2014 Los Angeles CA

    Description: This Course Of Instruction (COI) has been specially designed for Military & Law Enforcement Tactical personnel to employ organic Night Fighting Equipment (NFE) within key tactical environments to include: rural & urban operations, target approach on foot and in vehicles and Close...
  10. Toast

    Maggie’s Epic military photos

    All right guys, time to share some of your epic military photographs. Let's see 'em. Some things never change
  11. V

    Need some help please

    So i want to join the Marines really really badly. My only problem is with the VA sending their letters disarming vets scares me, Of course i love guns so if i join, and i come back what if they put on my record that i have mental disabilities and i cant buy guns? I would probably die if that...
  12. Lowlight

    Sniper's Hide PVC Patches "Global Design" Available Now !

    The Sniper's Hide Global PVC Patch is now available ! 3" PVC Patch with Velcro Looping on the Back In the SH Store for $9 plus $1 S&H We currently have a bunch available with more coming ...
  13. C

    Member Link Up Fayetteville / Fort Bragg NC area

    Has anyone ever attempted to approach Fort Bragg authorities about hosting monthly long range rifle competitions on their ranges? I understand that it's a very busy base, and range time was hard to come by while in the military. The ranges are outside the cantonment area, and there are...
  14. L

    military surplus powders

    wideners has some RG4895...... anyone tried it..... rumor has it that IMR set this factory up?
  15. Sendero_Man

    Maggie’s Military Version of SEX !!

    The Commanding Officer of a regiment in the U.S. Marine Corps was about to start the morning briefing to his staff, battalion and company commanders. While waiting for the coffee machine to finish its brewing, the colonel decided to pose a question to all assembled. He explained that his wife...
  16. S

    CCI LR Military Primers??? Same as Large rifle???

    What is the real deal on the CC1 military large rifle primers? Just as good as normal large rifle? Why cheaper? Less flashy packaging? Need to know before I buy a bunch. Jeff
  17. C

    New 300 WM load for military VS 284 Winchester

    I have been curious of the ballsitics of the new 220/300 WM load. I was going to build a 284 Winchester for 1000+ yds, then thought twice after seeing the new 300 WM load. However...after running numbers, the 284 Win will equal or better ( depending on load) velocity, drift and energy up to 1500...
  18. dave1894

    Maggie’s Military humor

    There was a Green Beret who had four daughters. He was in a habit of worrying about his daughters and always answered the door with a sawed-off shotgun. One night he hears a knock at the door and finds a young man standing there. The young man says: "My name is Freddy. I've come to pick up...
  19. rweldon

    Help with depriming .308 & .223 military brass

    I am having a real hard time depriming military brass. I keep breaking the depriming die pin on both .308 and .223. I have some .308 brass that is non American...I have a real hard time with it. What could I be doing wrong? thanks
  20. J

    Rifle Scopes Counter Sniper Military Optical Gunsight Corp.

    Has anyone heard of this company? i read one post a while back about what may be some optics from this company but they were talking about much lower priced optics. their website is www.countersniperusa.com. They have scopes that are in the $2,000-$7,000 range. my question is, and my...