
  1. DesertEaglePony

    WTB AAC Scar-H SD suppressor anywhere?

    I'm currently looking around trying to find a AAC Scar-H SD suppressor. They are a lot more elusive than I would have thought. If you have any leads or have one that you would be willing to part with, let's get a chat going! I'm sure there are others who are in the same boat! Thanks! :)
  2. N

    SOLD Advanced Armament 51T M.I.T.E.R. SCAR-H-SD Flash Hider

    A.A.C. 51T M.I.T.E.R. SCAR-H-SD Flash Hider. NOS condition, never used. $350 SOLD
  3. N

    SOLD LaRue C.A.N. Mount with 30mm & 35mm Rings, NF X-Treme Duty 1.0" Height Ultralite Rings

    Getting a few things cleared out of the parts collection: LaRue C.A.N. Mount with 30mm rings SOLD LaRue 35mm replacement rings to be relisted Very good condition. NF X-Treme Duty Ultralite 30mm Rings - 1.0" height. A little finish wear on the bolt heads that mount to the rail. Otherwise...