
  1. D

    Suppressors Mk11/13 and M110 Gas Block Gate Latch Adapter run

    Hi there, SH. So I started designing a gate latch mechanism that is the portion of the Mk11/13/M110 suppressors that affixes the can to the gas block. The overall plan was, and still is, to find a manufacturer to produce full suppressors. I have designs/models/drawings done up for the entire can...
  2. B

    WTB WTB - Mk11 Mod 0 -Upper or Full Kit

    Howdy, SH. I'm looking for a genuine Mk11 Mod 0, new or excellent condition. Full kit preferred. I already own the Mk11 can but would be interested in securing another. Thank you.
  3. Tflhnd1

    Knights SR-25, MK11Mod0, M110 accuracy vs customl

    I've read from several posts, especially LL's first hand observations of the Knights Mk11's and M110's lack of accuracy after some time, Suppresor discussion excluded. I'm a fan of Knights and their products are nice, but overpriced in my opinion, 7k+ for a Mk11 and 14K+ for the M110 package. I...