• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

    Thank you to everyone who particpated!

    See the winner


  1. bonesaw00001

    Suppressors Next 30 Cal Suppressor?

    Hi All, I'm looking for a second rifle suppressor, preferably 30 cal for both 556 and up to 308 use, with a plan to use for PRS and field matches, and wanted to get the braintrust's recommendations: My priorities are: 1. Least effect upon accuracy 2. Low back pressure for use on my 556 ar-15 3...
  2. J

    Suppressors Dead air 556 nomad sandman flash hider end caps IN STOCK

    Link I’ve been searching for these a while
  3. J

    Suppressors UPDATES: Dead Air Nomad LT and Nomad Ti - a few questions

    Dead Air Suppressor Update - Just got my stamp for my Dead Air Nomad LT. Still waiting on my Dead Air Nomad Ti stamp...it's on eForms since Jan so fingers crossed any day now? Also considering getting another Nomad LT or Ti and a Dead Air Mask HD. Gathering accessories for these Nomad...
  4. CoryT

    Optics Vector 21/Nomad Field Firing Solutions Full Deployment Kit

    I have one full deployment kit available. The complete kit has a Vector 21 12k binocular laser range finder and a Trimble Nomad rugged handheld computer with the latest version of Field Firing Solutions packed in a hard transit case with all the accessories. These accessories include; Soft...
  5. J

    Suppressors Dead Air Nomad End Caps / E Brake / Flash Hider WHICH TOOLS?

    Nomad End Caps / E Brake / Flash Hider WHICH TOOLS? I already have a Nomad LT and waiting for the stamp. I want to get a Nomad 30 or Nomad TI Want to use an Enhanced brake and Flash Hider End cap on these. Appears that these Dead Air Nomads don't come with any end cap tools. Please correct...