nomad ti

  1. B

    Flash Hider vs Compensator for QD suppressor mount.

    Hello All! New Precision Shooter here. Are QD flash hiders detrimental to accuracy compared to QD muzzle brakes when used with a can? I am running a DA Nox on my 18” 5.56 SPR. The rifle is always suppressed w/ my Nomad TI XC. Should I switch to the DA comp? I know direct thread would be...
  2. A

    Dead Air Nomad Ti Failure

    Had an interesting day at the range this past weekend. I had taken my 7 saum out to shoot a few rounds and was running it with the Dead Air Nomad-Ti that I have had for about 9 months. I normally hunt with a TBAC but like the size and tone and had recently switched to the Nomad-Ti. It is only...
  3. J

    Suppressors Dead Air Nomad End Caps / E Brake / Flash Hider WHICH TOOLS?

    Nomad End Caps / E Brake / Flash Hider WHICH TOOLS? I already have a Nomad LT and waiting for the stamp. I want to get a Nomad 30 or Nomad TI Want to use an Enhanced brake and Flash Hider End cap on these. Appears that these Dead Air Nomads don't come with any end cap tools. Please correct...