
  1. T

    SOLD Leupold Mark 5HD 5-25x56 PR2 MIL Alumina cap FlatlineOps throw & bubble

    Leupold Mark 5HD 5-25x56 PR2 MIL Leupold alumina EP cover FlatlineOps Bone Spur throw lever FlatlineOps Sniper-X bubble level Comes with original box/original flip covers 1,875 shipped PP G&S
  2. sneakypayload

    SOLD 3x Leupold Mk5HD's for sale +mount

    Optic 1, brand new, never mounted just taken out of box, Leupold Mk5HD 5-25 PR2-MIL non illuminated $1850 shipped lower 48, PP F&F or Venmo Optic 2, Mounted, used for 2-3 range sessions, no marks that I can really see, Leupold Mk5HD 7-35 PR2-MIL non illuminated, 1825 shipped lower 48, PP F&F or...
  3. sneakypayload

    Accessories WTT Leupold Mk5 HD 5-25 PR2 MIL/LMT upper/Brass/Misc for sale

    WTS Leupold Mk5 HD 5-25 PR2 MIL non-illum model. Taken out of box but never mounted. bubble wrap still on sunshade, etc. $1950 shipped and insured. WTS 70 pcs of 6GT brass, Hornady headstamp, once fired. $40 shipped SPF WTS 100 pcs of 308 win FGMM brass, once fired, $60 shipped LMT L7Y1A...
  4. aroddc3

    SOLD FS: Leupold Mark 5, 5-25x56, PR2-Mil, 180222

    Selling my like new Mark 5: - Leupold Mark 5HD, 5-25x56, PR2-Mil, Non-Illuminated, 180222 $1900 shipped to CONUS. Local to DFW. Will be at the NRL Hunter Match in OK at the end of July. NO TRADES. Thanks, Dave
  5. aroddc3

    SOLD WTS Leupold Mark 5HD 5-25x56 PR2-MIL with Hawkins Heavy Tactical Rings (Medium - 1.15”) and 10 MIL Competition Turret

    I am selling my Leupold Mark 5HD 5-25x56 PR2-MIL with Hawkins Heavy Tactical Rings (Medium - 1.15”). Scope is essentially new and has been well taken care of, as are the rings and turret which are brand new. This is a perfect competition setup. I am getting out of PRS centerfire and need the...