precision rifle sling

  1. goggygoggy123

    SOLD (SOLD) Armageddon Gear Precision Rifle Sling (SOLD)

    Great shape. Coyote Brown, with QD swivels. $60 shipped, US
  2. Bolt Thrower

    SOLD Armageddon Gear Precision Rifle Sling w/ QDs

    Black Armageddon Gear Precision Rifle Sling with push button QD swivels. $60 shipped. Lightly used, very good condition. Fully-featured sling. Great for sling-supported positions and carrying heavy ass rifles.
  3. carnageasada

    SOLD HOG Saddle SS Loophole Sling with QD Swivels

    Lightly used SS Loophole sling with flush cup QD swivels in OD by HOG Saddles: Asking $25 shipped, Paypal, no trades, thanks!
  4. Dr. Davy Jones

    Accessories FOUND: Armageddon Gear precision rifle sling

    Looking for one with QD attachments, preferably multicam. Let me know what you got!