
  1. Flappy

    6.5 Grendel Ammo Issues/Pressure Issues

    Hey all, A few years back I bought a 16 inch 6.5 Grendel upper. Ended up not really shooting it much because of ammo and other stuff, and decided I would take it out and shoot it to make some brass this weekend, now that I have a press and dies and chrono etc. So I set up my target and...
  2. J

    Am I being an idiot - Why am I getting pressure signs here?

    The rifle is a 22” Bartlein 6.5cm barrel chambered by bugholes with a terminus Zeus qc. About 160 rounds on the barrel so far, mostly not suppressed. Same issue with two different loads - 143gr eldx with 40gr h4350 with br2 and COAL of 2.864” - 140gr eldm with 39gr h4350 with br2 and COAL of...
  3. A

    Calling Hornady 4DOF App expert's - issue with Altitude and Pressure relation

    I have an issue when setting the "Zero Angle" in the 4 DOF App, more specifically to the relationship between "Altitude" and "Pressure". This weekend I was at a range planning to re-zero my rifles using "Zero-angle" but ran in to some problems as the app kept saying there was an "Error" when...
  4. 6.5guys2

    Brand new 22creedmoor pressure problems

    I have a brand new 22 creed proof carbon barrel defiance tenacity action thunderbeast ultra 9cb. I am running alpha brass and was trying to get a load but even while breaking in the barrel I was getting a heavy bolt lift so I just kept backing down the H4350 powder weight from 39gr on a v3 auto...
  5. T

    (COAL/CBTO) How Short is TOO Short?

    Funny question, right? The common knowledge approach would have a guy or gal seat that bullet as far forward as they can - usually well past saami - especially if you're single loading or you have a magazine that will accommodate the length - which I have neither option. After a fairly...
  6. P

    Long range/orienteering/speed competition...

    Good evening, Is there any kind of competitive event out there that combines multiple movements (like a course) with map and compass to get to a shooting location, locate the correct target, and then hit it from long range before proceeding to the next location and target?
  7. JustAnOldCoot

    Gunsmithing .308 Throat Depth for Factory Rounds vs. Reloads

    Hi All, I am having built a .308 sniper rifle for an Army Veteran friend of the Vietnam War that was a sniper for SE Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos), and was wanting a "nostalgic" bolt action rifle like he used to use. I have acquired for him a Green Mountain .308 stainless 1:10" twist, 24"...
  8. R

    Reloader 22 - How temp sensitive is it?

    Some time back, I had worked up a load for my 6.5-284 using RL-22, Berger 140 VLD, Federal Match primers, and Norma cases. Rifle is a trued Remington 700 with Pac-Nor barrel. The load was on the stiff side. Finally found some Lapua brass and did another load work-up using the same set of...
  9. JCH

    Am I gonna run into pressure issues?

    I am loading up some 223 AI ammo for testing. I am using R15 and moly'd 75gr Hornady Amax's with Magtech 7 1/2 small rifle primers. I started at 24.0 and went in .2 grain incriments to 25.2 Just want to make sure that I am not going to get into high pressures when getting into the last groups...
  10. D

    Gunsmithing .233 ammunition versus 5.56 pressure problems

    I built a couple of AR-15 uppers for some clients and when test firing each upper I could not get the bolt to latch back on the last shot. After changing gas blocks, BCGs, etc, I finally tried some 5.56 ammo and it worked fine. The ammo I was originally using was .223 PPU 69grn. Has anyone...
  11. T

    NEW TOPIC: Increased Air Pressure on the Front ..

    Long range guys, new discussion subject. Roughly stated, winds that run from your 6 o'clock to the 12 o'clock downrange. The terrain PAST maximum ordinate rises sharply with 45 degrees either side of the gun target line. Phone below is a good example. EVENT: Rounds string up and down the...
  12. JLM

    Pressure changes with primer switch?

    Generally how much of a difference can/will you see in pressure simply from switching a primer? Why am I asking this? I had a load in .308 LC Match brass that exhibited no visable pressure signs. Then I switched from BR2's to FED210's. Massive sticky bolt and an incipient head seperation...
  13. J

    Measuring pressure by measuring case web/head

    First of all, I can't find a real answer on whether case web and case head are the same thing, so I apologize if I use the term incorrectly. I've heard flattened primers isn't a great indicator of pressure. I hear that case web expansion is the better way to look for over pressure. I was given...
  14. Powder_Burns

    Advanced Marksmanship Barometric pressure, humidity, temperature?

    Just wondering about how these factors can effect long range trajectories and how they are compensated for. I'd also like to hear someone's take on barrel harmonics and how they mitigate the effects..I haven't seen any octagon barrels or barrel de-resonators in any pics on this site, curious as...
  15. 3

    Pressure Tesing Equipment

    Where can I find this stuff? I've tried regular internet searches with no luck. I've seen a few people post on here using screenshots of their own systems and would like to know where I can find one. Preferably, one that will give me pressure readings in CUP and PSI. Thanks!!!!
  16. dar1246

    Pressure with different primers

    I was using H4350 44grs CCI BR2 primers Remmington brass. The was signs of pressure. Had 1 blown primer. Tried Win primers today at 44.3 grs of H4350 with no pressure signs. Would primers make a that much of a difference in pressure and speed?
  17. Grump

    Range Report Pressure Signs at *expected* or lower velocities?

    Well, I'm really sick of load development now, but maybe that has a little to do with trying to do OCW groups with fuzzy mirage today. I'm getting pretty low in the velocities from a 22-inch M1A with three powders now, and if it weren't for the primers I'd just say fooey, Federal brass is just...
  18. kombayotch

    Donuts vs. no donuts... Pressure Trace data

    This is interesting, so I thought I'd share it. I've been getting unexplained (formerly unexplained) flyers with my 190 SMK load (308 Win.). This load was awesome when I first developed it. 5 shot groups in the .3's and .4's at 100 yards consistently and many 300 yard 10 shot groups under 1...
  19. Luke

    Advanced Marksmanship Atmospheric Pressure Differences

    Is there any quick and easy way to determine POI effects by what the pressure is? If I look at my Suunto today and it tells me 28.30hg is there any way to determine what my dope will be tomorrow when it reads 27.30hg? Obviously nothing beats gathering actual dope in all conditions but just...
  20. H

    Range Report Station Pressure default on Brunton Pro?

    Anyone with the Brunton Pro, is the default displayed pressure Station or Corrected pressure, the manual is not clear on this. Thanks, Brad