
  1. B

    Sorting Centerfire By Rim Thickness

    Has anyone sorted their brass by rim thickness to alleviate the dreaded rim thickness dependant priming tool dilemma? There is one good hand priming tool (Sinclair) to steer around this issue but no good bench primer (excluding Lee APP/ACP). I really like my Primal Rights CPS so I have to sort...
  2. Speedjunkie

    Reloading Equipment Sinclair PT-2000 Priming Tool with case and shell holders

    Hi Guys, I'm cleaning out a few items that I don't need/use. I have a like new Sinclair PT-2000 priming tool. Comes with all the items as supplied by Sinclair (priming tool with universal shell holder head, large and small primer punch housings and punches, shims for use with large primer...
  3. Eric_F

    SOLD K&M hand priming tool with dial

    I've got a K&M hand primer with the dial indicator. Comes only with the small primer assembly and shell holders for BR/308 and 223. Get your primer seating depth right Looking for $90 shipped. Cross posted.
  4. memilanuk

    550 primer alignment issues

    So... recently been working with virgin Lapua .308 Palma (SRP) brass and Fed 205M primers on the old Dillon RL550B. Hadn't been having a problem before with my ~8x fired brass, but I needed to switch over to new brass, so... Started experiencing the occasional 'full stop' when I went to push...
  5. Savage_Jake

    RCBS Ram Priming Tool

    I broke the priming tool that came with my Rock Chucker Supreme press so I was in the market for a new tool. I looked up some reviews about the Lee Auto Prime, and the RCBS Hand Priming tool but some of the reviews were kind of shady. But the reviews for the RCBS Ram Priming tool were excellent...
  6. M

    Brass Shavings from priming? (pics)

    Background: I usually prime with a Lee hand tool, which works quite well, however on this batch of mixed year LC .223 brass I've noticed the Federal 205M primers don't want to seat all the way into the brass with the Lee tool. I decided to switch to my Co-Ax press to see if that would seat...
  7. C

    priming on my hornady ezeject

    have to push very hard on the handle to seat my primers I don't think this is normal anyone of you have the same problem? if yes what did you do to fix this.... thank Michel....
  8. RidgeRebel

    223 case priming

    Hey guys I have been reloading once fired brass but most of the brass does not have a beveled primer pocket. So when you try to re-prime them it usually damages the primer. To fix the problem I have been using a deburring tool to bevel the pocket but I was hopeing that somebody had a better...