priming tool

  1. B

    Sorting Centerfire By Rim Thickness

    Has anyone sorted their brass by rim thickness to alleviate the dreaded rim thickness dependant priming tool dilemma? There is one good hand priming tool (Sinclair) to steer around this issue but no good bench primer (excluding Lee APP/ACP). I really like my Primal Rights CPS so I have to sort...
  2. MTSLW

    Reloading Equipment Lyman trimmer and RCBS hand priming tool

    $65 OBO shipped for the Lyman, great shape, comes with 10 pilots. $25 OBO for the priming tool. Willing to donate if someone needs it to get started. Only has the large rifle priming stem.
  3. Speedjunkie

    Reloading Equipment Sinclair PT-2000 Priming Tool with case and shell holders

    Hi Guys, I'm cleaning out a few items that I don't need/use. I have a like new Sinclair PT-2000 priming tool. Comes with all the items as supplied by Sinclair (priming tool with universal shell holder head, large and small primer punch housings and punches, shims for use with large primer...