
  1. J

    Vortex Solo R/T, Vortex Recce Pro HD, or Zeiss 10x25 with Electronic Rangefinder?

    Hello all, I have been trying to sort out a good solution that allows for observation and ranging without actually pointing a firearm down range. Lighter is better for sure and reliability is important. All ranging can be backed up via a reticle if absolutely needed. Info for the options I am...
  2. F

    Rifle Scopes SFP Ranging w/reticle on different powers

    Has anyone had much experience using the reticle for holdovers and ranging at different power. I have NF 3.5-15 with the NP-R2 Reticle. I was considering using it on 7-1/2 power to create twice the MOA hold overs. I have no idea how repeatable it might be, just curius if anyone has explored this...
  3. Hasgun Willtravel

    Rifle Scopes Ranging UKD /Precision Milling / Cheat sheets

    I am kicking myself in the butt for not thinking to do this last time I was at the 1000 yard range, and may have to make a trip down there to do this, and not even fire a round. I am regretting not making a cheat sheet, so to speak, of known size targets, at various ranges, and the MILs that...
  4. G

    Rifle Scopes what's the best ranging reticle

    title says it all. which is the easiest reticle to use for range finding. i tried to search for the topic but couldn't find anything. just curious what people think is the easiest to range w/
  5. M

    Rifle Scopes Ranging with MOA recticle

    Is it easier to range with a MOA reticle than a Mil reticle? If one MOA is 1 inch at 100 (I know it isn't exact) does it make it easier to range because it the reticle measures X MOA for target size when you do the conversion you are already using inches and yards at that point. I hope this...
  6. A

    Rifle Scopes scopes with ranging reticles???

    I have two NF scopes with NP-R2 reticles which i like quite a bit. I was looking at one of the IOR scopes that has a ranging reticle and quite like the idea of being able to range quickly without any calculations or math, etc. I know NF also has the NP-1RR scope which is similar but...
  7. C

    Rifle Scopes Ranging extreemly long distances?

    Does anyone have tables for mil-dot use past 2000 meters to about 2500. Today I was shooting my 50 1st at 600 then 1000 and the last target I believe was about 2500 meters. It was a dirt pile.
  8. D

    Mil Dot Ranging Help

    I tried the test put together by mr Thunder and well failed. I would like to be at least semi proficient at mil dot ranging. Is there a book out there that can help me. I have looked at the shooter ready software demo's but wasn't that impressed. Does anyone have the software and like or dislike...
  9. T

    Range Report Ranging Cheat Sheets

    <span style="font-weight: bold">************************************************************************************** Thanks to another member he caught a mistake. When I was coping over the fields from my spread sheet and adding them to the PDF I copied the wrong field. I will make the changes...
  10. R

    Rifle Scopes Ranging with mils

    What easy "in the head" math is there for ranging in mils? I have read a few different publications that have different methods, but one way I've come up with (I guess it all depends on how accurate you need to be) is to take the number of inches that one mil covers on the target divided by 4 +...
  11. R

    Rifle Scopes FFP ranging reticle with static-size cross-hair? Any interest?

    Would anyone besides me be interested in a USO variable power scope with an FFP ranging reticle that allows you to have a fixed cross-hair/aiming point? By this, I mean that the aiming point does not shrink or grow with a change in power setting. I have been discussing this idea with JBW# 3...