
  1. BipThatInstance

    Optics Stash House Sale: Optics/Magnifiers/Lights/Mounts Edition (EOTech, Trijicon, Streamlight, More!)

    It is I again, looking to continue to thin the herd of extra shit taking up space in my trunk, this time Lasers/Lights/Mounts and such. I’ll be doing more similarly-themed posts as I dig the stuff out of the closet so you’re not through with me yet. Unless stated otherwise, all the items are...
  2. Nicholi2789

    Optics SOLD- please delete

    all done
  3. Sniper266

    Optics WTB: Deltapoint Pro 2.5 MOA

    Title says it all. Looking to purchase a Deltapoint Pro 2.5 moa dot. Let me know what you got!
  4. Strangedays

    Rifle Scopes Trijicon Reflex sights.

    Hey I was wondering if anyone knows much about these. I wanted to buy one becouse of the fiber optics and not needing batteries to run. I was just wondering if they are a ok sight or not? THANKS