
  1. Das Capitolin

    Request for Proposal: Washoe County Regional Shooting Facility

    The Washoe County Regional Shooting Facility near Reno, Nevada, has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to operate this range and associated facilities. The due date for submission is 5 July 2023. The information packet is available here...
  2. Das Capitolin

    Short Range Tactical Rifle Match (Reno NV)

    THIS SUNDAY 11/3: Short Range Tactical Rifle Match Join us for a morning shoot with plenty of practice time before the event. Targets set at 100/200/300 yards. Open to all rifles. We'll even be done well before lunch! Match details...
  3. Das Capitolin

    Short Range Tactical Rifle (Reno NV)

    THIS SUNDAY 7/16: Short Range Tactical Rifle Shoot targets at 100/200/300 yards, with an hour of practice beforehand. Plenty of experienced shooters to bring you up to speed. We'll even be done well before lunch!
  4. Das Capitolin

    Public Target Practice Day (Reno NV)

    Public Target Practice Day (Reno NV) The Palomino Valley Gun Club invites our shooting community to join us in preparing for the upcoming hunting season with a public Target Practice Day. This event will consist of unlimited shooting from 8AM-3PM on Sunday 8/3, and is open to the general...
  5. Das Capitolin

    Long-Range Practice Day: Saturday 7/5 (RENO NV)

    THIS SATURDAY 7/5: LONG-RANGE SILHOUETTE PRACTICE Are you interested in long-range shooting or looking to tune your equipment? Join us this Saturday for practice on steel targets from 100-yards all the way out to 850-yards. Set-up begins at 7:30AM. Show up early to beat the heat and get some...
  6. Das Capitolin

    F T/R Competition PVGC Long-Range F Class Open House (Reno NV)

    PVGC Long-Range Open House Hosted by: Palomino Valley Gun Club Saturday, June 21st, 2014 / Saturday, September 20, 2014 The Palomino Valley Gun Club invites all interested shooters to our Long Range Open House event, held at the Washoe County Regional Shooting Facility near Pyramid Lake in...
  7. Das Capitolin

    Reno NV Safe Shot Owner James Harwin Charged Selling Automatic Weapons

    Posting this for three reasons: 1) James Harwin cheated me years ago by changing agreed transfer fee prices after receiving my rifles. 2) Uses indoor range/gun shop to get on local news after shooting massacres and says unflattering things about gun owners. 3) Nevada gun store owner busted by...
  8. Das Capitolin

    Long Range Varmint Silhouette Rifle Competition: Palomino Valley Gun Club (Reno, NV)

    Palomino Valley Gun Club is hosting long-range varmint silhouette matches at the Regional Shooting Facility near Pyramid Lake in Reno, Nevada. This is a "long range varmint" oriented match for centerfire calibers .17 to .338. Approach it as you would if setting up in the field for long-range...
  9. Das Capitolin

    F T/R Competition 600/1000 Yard F-Class Competition: Palomino Valley Gun Club (Reno, NV)

    Palomino Valley Gun Club is hosting 600/1000 yard F-Class matches at the Regional Shooting Facility in Reno, Nevada. The 2014 event schedule includes: Long Range Practice: Friday 3/7 3×600 Long Range: Saturday 3/15, 3/22, 3/29 3×1000 Long Range: Sunday 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 Long Range...
  10. Das Capitolin

    Smallbore Silhouette Rimfire Matches (Reno, NV)

    Palomino Valley Gun Club is hosting rimfire (.22 LR/.17 HM2) matches at the Regional Shooting Facility located near Pyramid Lake in Reno, Nevada. The PVGC smallbore silhouette rimfire match is designed for all shooter skill levels, and features NRA hunter pistol targets engaged at four separate...
  11. Das Capitolin

    Last long-range varmint match of the season (11/09 Reno NV)

    Saturday 11/09 is the last and final long-range varmint match of the season at the Washoe County Regional Shooting Facility near Pyramid Lake in Reno, NV. Interested shooters should meet up at the far end of the range around 7:30-8AM. Bring $15 (non-members) and at least 50 rounds of ammo...