
  1. N

    SOLD 135 A tip (.264)

    Selling my .264 match bullets as my only .264 is dedicated for hunting 273 bulk 135 A tips $170 shipped 100 140 Berger vld target SOLD 98 139 lapua scenar SOLD Will trade for 130 Sierra tipped game changers 129 nosler ABLRs
  2. Bolt Thrower

    SOLD SOLD Lapua 6.5mm 139gr Scenar Bullets (200 ct)

    SOLD Lapua 6.5mm 139gr Scenar Open Tip Match Bullets 2 unopened 100 count boxes (200 bullets total) These are from the same lot, purchased in February 2021 $100 shipped (PayPal, Venmo)
  3. R

    Range Report Lapua Scenar 155gr BC transposed with 167gr Scenar

    The thread Lapua Scenar 155gr, wrong BC? almost figured that out. My measurements indicate the 167gr doesn't have a lower BC than the 155gr - Lop-wah just transposed the numbers. The 470 BC claimed for the 167 gr is right on for the 155. The 155 Scenar is a great bullet, but it's not magic...
  4. mattmcg

    Max velocities with Lapua Scenar 6mm 105gr?

    I'm thinking of loading up some 6mm Lapua Scenar 105 grain bullets for 243 Win and am wondering what sort of max velocities you've been seeing on your loads? With DTAC 115gr being somewhat scarce, the 105gr Scenar looks like an interesting fallback.
  5. K

    155 Scenar not working out

    Ok. Here is the problem. I have been shooting long range practical shooting for quite some time now. When i started I used the 175SMK with great results Lately I have been shooting the 167 Lapua Scenar (got a serious deal om some factory ammo) But I had allways wanted to try the 155 Scenar. The...
  6. W

    m1a and the 155 Scenar

    Tomorrow my M1a supermatch will be here, it's got a 1 in 10 twist barrel. Most of my shooting with it will be at my 700 yd range here at the farm, and hopefully get in a 600 yd high-power match now and then. The only .308 bullets I keep around are the 155 Lapua Scener, and the other day I...
  7. N

    6.5 Lapua scenar bullet length

    Loaded up some 123 grain scenars for my 6.5X47 when I first got it. Overall length was 2.736" and 2.164" to the ogive. Really liked that bullet in my rifle, so bought 300 more and began loading more up recently. Seated them to 2.163" at the ogive. Overall length of these was 2.720"...
  8. S

    338 lapua 300 gr scenar available at midway

    I wanted to let everyone know that midway has 338 300 gr lapua scenars available right now. I have been looking for them in stock for awhile so I assume others are as well.
  9. P

    185g Lapua scenar for 1000y

    Anyone find the Lapua 185g scenar accurate with their 1 in 11 twist 24in barrel 308, some shooters say they have to be pushed hard for 1k shooting, ifso which vL range should make the 185g shine at 1k, thanks.
  10. Surgeon_Shooter

    155grn lapua scenar fps top speed?

    Hey guys I'm wanting to try some 155 scenars out of my 5-r .308 because I heard you could get 3100fps out of them and still have a pretty good b.c. Is this true? How fast have y'all got them up to with an accurate load? I have a 24" barrel.
  11. 81sfo

    185 scenar a good bullet?

    Ive seen fist hand the 155 lapua scenar do extemely well at long range, but has anyone had the same or better results from the 185 scenars?I see they are not as popular as the 155?It shows to have a higher B.c.Im tempted to order 1000 from the group buy or should i just stick with the `155?Best...
  12. psinclair

    Range Report 250gr scenar load target pics

    Conditions were: 25F, clear, slight tail wind. shooting prone from folding rest. 89.0grs VVN560 Lapua brass Fed. 215 Mag. Match 3.575 coal MV 3022 fps I think that dog might hunt!!!
  13. M

    Thoughts on 155gr Lapua Scenar .308 bullets

    How do these bullets rank in terms of accuracy? Is there an appreciable difference between moly coated and uncoated?
  14. F

    Loading for the 155 Scenar?

    Is there an optimum velocity window for this bullet? I have read where some people claim that the best performance is found by getting to certain minimum level of velocity? I just wanted to check before I begin working up a load. Thanks!
  15. R

    Anybody having good results with FNSPRa1a / Scenar

    I have just got a 2003 but fired very little FN 308. The factory target is .45 I tried some loads today that have always done really well in my 10FP Lapua Brass 155 GR Scenar GMM primer H4895 2.810 I did 44 gr up to 46 gr in .5 increments to start. None of them did well. I really wanted to...
  16. R

    Have a .338 300gr Scenar and a bullet comparitor?

    I'm looking for dimensions on both a .338 300gr Lapua Scenar and a 300gr Sierra SMK. I would like overall length and base to Ogive dimensions. Thanks!
  17. Rhys

    155 Scenar measurments

    Could someone sho loads the 155 Scenars get a couple measurements for me? I need the OAL of the bullet, and the base to ogive length as well. Thanks Or if you happen to have the difference in seating depth at the lands between the 155 Scenar and the 155.5 Berger that would work as well.
  18. S

    139gr Scenar BC

    Ive been looking through the posts on the new bc for Berger bullets and wondered if anyone knew if the bc for the 139 scenars was different....
  19. D

    300 grain Scenar BC

    Hope I'm not late in putting this out there but early BC was stated as being .810. Lapua website states BC at 2700 fps and less is .760 based on Doppler Radar. Pretty significant difference. Unless I'm missing something or just a little ignorant on the physics is the .760 BC the one to use for...
  20. E

    Lapau Scenar .308 bullets

    Have a couple of questions about these bullets.155gr .308 .508bc. #1-Is the bc really that high? #2- Has any one used them for hunting if so how was the perfomance? #3-I have Varget on hand can any give me some good loads for the .308 win? Thanks for the help.