
  1. Turbwhistle

    SOLD Wilson 6ARC bushing FL sizing die

    Selling 6ARC wilson FL bushing die . Wilson 6 arc fl sizing die $65 Payments via paypal F&F
  2. Metalhead0483

    Gunsmithing E.R. Shaw gunsmithing question

    I've got a large ring mauser action that I bought as the basis for a project gun. I want to turn it into a light and handy 7mm-08 (my prefered carabou round) Someone suggested that I go to ER Shaw since they'd rebarrel, drill and tap, reforge the bolt, and refinish the barreled action for me...
  3. exnarc

    Gunsmithing Oppinion of E.R. Shaw barrels

    what can you guys tell me
  4. C

    ER Shaw barrels- Anyone use them????

    Wondered how good ER Shaw barrels were. What kind of accuracy has been gotten out of them. Notice that they only do 1 in 8,10 or 12 twist in a 308 Cal. Will the 1 in 8 work for 208 to 240 grainers or is there gonna be some problems with the twist????
  5. C

    Gunsmithing ER Shaw Barrels- How good are they????

    Wondered how good ER Shaw barrels were. What kind of accuracy has been gotten out of them. Notice that they only do 1 in 8,10 or 12 twist in a 308 Cal. Will the 1 in 8 work for 208 to 240 grainers or is there gonna be some problems with the twist????