
  1. vvayvvard

    SOLD SeeAll Open Sight Tritium-Lit Delta Reticle

    This has been mounted and used a couple times, but is still in perfect condition, no blemishes, scrapes, or dents -- and the tritium still glows. Mounts to picatinny rail. Reticle is the Delta (Triangle). It's a really interesting concept for a sight, but it just wasn't really my thing... but...
  2. JaysonF

    Sidearms & Scatterguns Heinie or trijicon HD

    Heinie or trijicon HD in this scenario I have always used 3 dots, and my last pistols has trijicon HDs. I like the bright orange outline for my previous 45. I bought the hk45 tactical, and I don't have one yet, but plan on getting a suppressor in the future. Now I have the option of the...