Hey everybody,
I’m new to long range shootIng and am trying to figure out how best to get a grip with my firing hand on more traditional stocks with a flatter angle and still get that 90 degree trigger control I hear everyone talk about. I was hoping you guys would be able to give me some...
I have done one, was not all that pleased with it, but it was passable. I would love to see someone else's method, or just hear some tips.
I drilled into the back of the stock and epoxied in some pieces of dowel rod to accept the screws for pad. Then I taped around the stock and sanded it...
Hey all, Just wanted to share a different way of painting. I call it the reversed stencilling/backward layered up side down digicam way.
I got bored one day and tried to paint my stock after reading what a lot of you had to say about it and found the advice quite helpful.
.243 to .260 tutorial? I have Forester .260 match dies. K&M neck turning tool. I am new to making cases. In the past I have only reloaded .223 and .308. Thanks for any help. I did try the search first before posting.
I received quite a few PM's when I painted my rifle and saw even more when JerryR painted his, all of them asking the same thing...How did you do that? Well I painted two of my rifles last week and thought it would be a good opportunity to show you how I and Jerry painted our rifles. The...